The Straubing Tigers were unable to crown their debut appearance at the traditional Spengler Cup with tournament victory. The team from the German Ice Hockey League (DEL) lost the final in Davos, Switzerland against HC Fribourg-Gottéron 2:7 (1:4, 1:3, 0:0). Lower Bavaria were 0-2 behind after just 92 seconds and could no longer turn the game around. Tigers player Tim Brunnhuber managed to make it 1:2, but then the Swiss turned up the heat and moved ahead to 5:1. Mario Zimmermann’s second Tigers goal had no effect because the opponent scored twice in the second third.
Reaching the final was already a great success for the Straubing Tigers after they started the traditional tournament with defeats against hosts HC Davos (0:5) and Team Canada (3:6). Afterwards there was a 4:2 against the Czech representative Dynamo Pardubice. In the semifinals, the DEL club also beat Team Canada 4-2.
#Success #Straubing #Tigers #defeat #final