On the eve of the celebration of the Benidorm Fest 2025Spotify has shared data that show the preference of fans to date and that are a good reference since it is the most important streaming platform. As of this Tuesday, January 28, until Saturday, February 1, Benidorm Fest 2025 will be responsible for choosing who will represent Spain at the Eurovision Festival this year.
Spotify data show the listening trends of the current edition and what are the preferences in Spain. Carla Frigo, Celine Van Heel, Shorta girl, Daniela Blasco, David Afonso, Deteresa, Henry Semler, J Kbello, K! Ngdom, Kuve, Lachispa, Lucas Bun, Melody, Mel Ömana, Mawot or Sonia and Selena. Only one of these names will be crowning with the victory the SÁbado, February 1, and will represent Spain in the Swiss city of Basel on May 17. At the moment, who will take the bronze microphone at Benidorm Fest 2025? What are the favorites of the audience in Spain?
The number of reproductions of fans in Spain in recent hours indicates Melody as a favorite with her song ‘Esco’electronic pop song dedicated to equality and inclusion. The Sevillian artist participates again in a Spanish preselection 16 years after her participation in ‘Eurovision 2009: the return’, where it was in second position.
The second position of the ranking occupies it ‘Hartita to cry’a song by Lachispa. The Cadiz singer will take the flamenco to Benidorm Fest with a personal issue that addresses the fight against depression and anxiety
The ‘Top 3’ on the list complete ‘The Pena’, of Deteresabut you will not be able to opt for the bronze microphone by having been disqualified in the second semifinal of the festival. The theme, which deals with love disappointment from an empowered attitude, merges in an innovative way elements of the Spanish musical tradition, such as the couplet and the pasodoble, with the Europop and the techno. For its part, ‘I like you’ and ‘uh nana’ occupy the fourth and fifth place, respectively.
The effects of Benidorm Fest on reproductions
The Spotify data of the listening in Spain of the themes of the new edition of Benidorm Fest also suggest that there are different favorite candidates depending on the age of the listeners. On the one hand, ‘Hartita to cry’, by Lachispa, is the song most listened to by people between 18 and 34 years. While ‘that diva’, by Melody, is the favorite of those over 35. A fact that shows how each generation already has its different preferences.
Since its first edition, Benidorm Fest has established itself as a platform with the capacity to boost the visibility of Spanish artists in the music industry. The data are revealing, since songs like ‘Zorra’, from Nebulsachosen to represent Spain in Eurovision 2024, experienced a growth in the number of reproductions in Spain equivalent to more than 250% in just three months after the celebration of Benidorm Fest 2024.
Similarly, if we go back to the 2023 edition, ‘EAEA’, by Blanca Paloma, which represented Spain in Eurovision 2023, experienced a growth in the number of views equivalent to more than 370% in just one month after the celebration of the Benidorm contest. It also happens with songs that, although they did not represent Spain, conquered the audience, as is the case of ‘Nochentera’, by Vicco. After the celebration of Benidorm Fest 2023, the listening of the subject grew more than 1,500%.
Melody – «ESA Diva» – 1,575,452
Lachispa – «Hartita to cry» – 1,162,653
HEAD -“THE PENALTY” – 621,650
K! NGDOM – “I LIKE YOU” – 613.914
Daniela Blasco – “Uh Nana” – 585.469
J KBello – «Vip» – 576.595
Starf girl – “Bad feminist” – 574.945
Carla Frigo – “Kissame” – 473,380
Sonia and Selena – «Queens» – 466.390
Kuve – «Loca x Ti» – 444.634
Celine Van Heel – “The House” – 362,790
Mel Ömana – «i’m queen» – 284.341
Lucas Bun – “I write to heaven” – 215.392
Henry Semler – “Don’t see it” – 204.465
David Afonso – «Cheap love» – 199.712
Mawot – «Raggio di Sole» – 192.252
All songs can be found in the Official Playlist of ‘Benidorm Fest 2025’.
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