If 2024 was the year without elections with fewer laws approved during the entire sanchismo, 2025 begins to roll with the uncertainty of whether the Government will be able to approve budgets that give stability to the legislature. In parallel, the partners of the Executive, an amalgam of nationalists, independentists and radical leftists, place duties on the president, Pedro Sánchez, in exchange for maintaining their support in Congress. The always demanding Junts, which hopes that the amnesty will finally end up benefiting its leader, the fugitive Carles Puigdemont, is joined by the voracity of Podemos, which is outlining top positions to try to prevail in its duel with Sumar, Yolanda Díaz’s project. The legislature began with Sánchez agreeing to Junts’ maximum demand, approving an amnesty law of dubious constitutional fit in favor of those prosecuted by the ‘procés’, despite the fact that he had promised during the campaign that he was not going to do it, but in 2024, beyond the difficulties of its application – the Supreme Court refuses to grant amnesty for embezzlement, so Puigdemont continues to be persecuted for that crime – , an added obstacle was found: the ideological incompatibility of several of Sánchez’s allies. Standard Related News If Clavijo demands that Sánchez act by decree in the face of the migratory crisis L. Bautista/J. Casillas accuses the Government and the PP of being “complicit” in the situation suffered by the islands. For this reason, now they are crossing petitions that advance in opposite directions and allow us to predict that in 2025 the uncertain parliamentary course will be maintained, which will run at the same time as the multiple judicial cases that the Government is facing and from which the opposition intends to make a profit. The biggest challenge for the Executive, at the parliamentary level, is to ensure that the seven Junts deputies do not join PP and Vox to form a blocking majority that would ruin any PSOE and Sumar project. Puigdemont terminó el año retando a Sánchez a someterse a una cuestión de confianza, que de perderla lo obligaría a dimitir, y todavía está en el aire si la Mesa del Congreso permitirá la tramitación de la iniciativa no vinculante que insta a ello al presidente.Los socios de izquierdas piden intervenciones en el mercado del alquiler que de nuevo pueden complicar la presencia de Junts y PNVAl margen de eso, Junts quiere que el Gobierno cumpla su promesa de delegar en la Generalitat de Cataluña , now governed by the PSC, the management of immigration. Los socialistas interpretan que solo se le pueden ceder ciertas cuestiones, pero no de forma integral porque la Constitución blinda la inmigración como una competencia estatal. The neoconvergents, however, want to take control of the borders and the migratory flow in Catalonia. Sus posiciones en la materia chocan con las de ERC.Fuentes republicanas consultadas por ABC, por su parte, fijan como objetivo prioritario para este 2025 hacer modificaciones en la legislación relativa a vivienda, para regular y restringir los alquileres temporales –principalmente los turísticos– y los de habitaciones. Los del indultado Oriol Junqueras , de hecho, sacaron recientemente adelante la toma en consideración de una proposición de ley que inicialmente impulsó Sumar en solitario y que entonces se encontró con el portazo de Junts. El gravamen a las energéticas y la reforma de la Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana, otros de los asuntos en los que chocanLa coalición de la vicepresidenta Díaz cobijó bajo ese paraguas a ERC y Bildu y superó después ese primer escalón, pero una cosa es que se acepte a norm is debated and another very different one is approved. And any interventionist position in the housing market will surely arouse misgivings in Junts and PNV, as happened with the energy tax. A condemned decree The Council of Ministers approved a royal decree law with this measure in its last meeting of the year – He had promised it to ERC, Bildu, Podemos and BNG – but the nationalist right, indispensable for this Government, has already announced that it will not validate it in the Lower House when it is debated at the end of the month. Main ‘duties’ Immigration to Catalonia? Junts wants the Government to fulfill its commitment to delegate immigration powers to the Generalitat, but both parties disagree on the scope amidst constitutionality doubts. Tax on energy Junts and PNV announced that they will not validate the decree to establish a tax on energy companies. The Executive promised its leftist allies that it was going to do it and Podemos is asking for a specific tax. Housing The parties agree that housing is one of the main problems of citizens, but they disagree on the formula to facilitate access to it. The left advocates interventionism. Citizen security The so-called ‘gag law’, ten years later, is still among the pending tasks for the left. Bildu wants its pact with the PSOE to be fulfilled, but the PNV wants to lower it. Podemos sources insist to this newspaper that there must be a tax on energy companies and also remember that their bases approved two demands without which their formation should not support – perhaps abstain – the budgets: a significant reduction in the price of housing rentals and breaking diplomatic relations with the Government of Benjamin Netanyahu.
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