Melody This Saturday has been crowned as the winner of Benidorm Fest and, therefore, will represent Spain in Eurovision 2025, which is celebrated this year in Basel (Switzerland).
However, beyond the triumph of the Sevillian artist with her theme ‘ESA Diva’, there has been a detail that has caught the attention of the spectators during the voting and has revealed ahead of the contest.
RTVE’s error with voting graphics
The error has occurred after the voting of the professional jury, and before Paula Vázquez, Ruth Lorenzo and Inés Hernand gave way to reading the public’s votes. It has been at that time when RTVE has committed a Graphism failure With the scores.
The public chain has not correctly ordered the ranking of artists by accumulated points, so that Melody appeared the first in the results table, despite being The third according to the vote of the jurywith 70 points, behind Daniela Blasco (71) and J Kbello (74).
However, the Garrafal fails has not only been limited at the time after the voting of the professional jury, but, during the reading of the public, RTVE continued to properly order the classification of artists by points, and kept Melody first all the time.
An error with which RTVE He has revealedahead of time, that the winner would be Melody and that she has aroused criticism in social networks by making the emotion of the moment be lost.
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