Follow Carles Puigdemont’s appearance live from Brussels, the message after the Junts permanent regarding his relationship with Pedro Sánchez and the PSOE and the latest news today
A “serious” decision
Puigdemont describes the Government’s decision regarding the vote of confidence as “serious”.
Puigdemont suspends “negotiations with the PSOE on sectoral issues”
The leader of Junts affirms that they are suspending “negotiations with the PSOE on sectoral issues.” He states that he has “nothing” to negotiate and will activate a meeting in the coming days to see “at what point” they are and see “the degree of compliance” with their agreements.
“We still want to know whether the PSOE believes in the agreement or not”
Puigdemont believes that “there is no concreteness in the political agreements” and that one cannot “recognize that there is a political conflict” and “on the other hand, say that it does not exist when he governs.” [el PSC] in Catalonia »
The general secretary of ERC accuses Puigdemont of being in a “rush” to get PP and Vox to govern
The general secretary and spokesperson for Esquerra Republicana, Elisenda Alamany, stated this Friday that one of the differences that separates her party from Junts is that the Republicans are in “no hurry for the Popular Party to govern in the State with Vox.”
«Junts has said that it wants to do this trust issue and also at the same time we inform them that the hurry we put in is due to the demand for the very ambitious agreements that we put in place at the time of Illa’s investiture,” he said in an interview on Catalunya Ràdio collected by EP.
Decisions “that the PSOE will not like”
This meeting of the Permanente (that is, the leadership of Junts) takes place after yesterday PSOE and Sumar decided at the meeting of the Congressional Board to leave Junts’ non-law proposal under study to urge Pedro Sánchez to subject to a question of trust.
The general secretary of Junts, Jordi Turull, warned the socialists that if they did not process it he would make decisions “that they will not like”, implying that he could break with his Government, which needs the votes of the independentists to be able to survive in the Congress. The breakup would put the legislature in check.
Marlaska: “It is a sole and exclusive prerogative of the President of the Government”
The Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande Marlaska, believes that whether or not Sánchez submits to a question of confidence is “a sole and exclusive prerogative of the President of the Government.” In an interview with RNE collected by Servimedia, the minister indicated that It must be Sánchez who decides to face this parliamentary examination and that, since that is not the scenario, what the members of the Government should do is “continue working on all the challenges we have as a country”
A “collapse” situation
Days after the Congress Board decided in December to postpone the decision on the question of trust until after the Christmas holidays, Puigdemont pointed out that if it had refused to process this initiative, the legislature could have reached a situation of “collapse.”
The decision to continue studying this initiative, in addition to having legal reasons, as Sumar indicates, also has a “political” will behind it, which is to continue negotiating issues that benefit Catalonia and Spain, such as the General State Budgets or the ” deployment” of the amnesty law. «On Friday we will make decisions»Turull warned.
Puigdemont will appear after the meeting
The meeting began at 10:30 am. It is expected that at the end of it, Puigdemont himself will appear before the media. It remains to be seen exactly what these “decisions” will result in, since, although the PSOE was in favor of rejecting Junts’ non-law proposal on the question of trust, it is finally still being studied and it will not be until February when the Congressional Board make a final decision.
Junts decides on its relationship with the PSOE
Good morning.
This Friday, the Junts management is meeting in Brussels and will make decisions about its relationship with the PSOE. The leader of the independence party, Carles Puigdemont, will address his role as a partner of Pedro Sánchez’s Government after the Congress Board has decided to give itself more time on his request for a question of confidence.
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