PODCAST | The annulled sentences of the Franco regime

The Government has symbolically delivered 600 individualized statements certifying the annulment of the Franco regime’s judicial processes. These are processes that are automatically canceled with the entry into force of the Democratic Memory Law, but this gesture is one more step. There is, for example, also that of the poet Vicente Aleixandre. Or that of Blas Infante. Or that of María Zambrano. Or that of Ángeles Flórez Peón, better known in the anti-Franco struggle as Maricuela. Also the poet Miguel Hernández or the last one executed with a garrote in Spain: Salvador Puig Antich.

We spoke with his sister, Merçona Puig Antich, to find out how this tribute reaches family members. We listened to Juan Antonio Ríos Carratalá, who in another episode of Un tema Al día already explained to us how the Franco regime worked with this type of sentences. We also spoke with elDiario.es journalist Marta Borraz, who explains to us how the State is repairing the memory of the victims of Franco’s regime.


The Miguel Hernández, memory and Internet links


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