Too Good to Go, social impact company responsible for the largest app in the world to save food and fight food waste, release ‘Pantry boxes’, a new solution to save the food surplus from large food brands and help To avoid waste. With the pantry boxes, users can access a wide variety of foods of recognized brands such as Bimbo, Smileat, Tony’s Chocoonelly, Foodspring, Kraft Heinz, among others, for a small price and receiving them comfortably at their home.
Often many food brands are found with surpluses of products in perfect condition that they have not been able to place in the usual sales channels due to changes in labels or modifications in the containers, among other reasons. This makes about 12 million tons of foods only in the manufacturing phase every year.
With the pantry boxes, users have the opportunity to make a difference saving that food from large brands that would otherwise have been wasted. These boxes can contain from snacks and drinks to children’s foods, preserves, gourmet foods, teas, among other products. In addition, the pantry boxes are available with a reduced price of up to 50% and are sent directly to the user within 1 to 5 days. A simple, comfortable and good solution for the pocket and the planet.
How to save the pantry boxes?
Once inside the Too Good to Go app, you have to go to the “home” tab where you can find the types of pantry boxes available. These can be both a variety of products of the same brand, as well as pantry boxes of children’s food, snacks, dinner, among others.
The next step is to select the desired pantry box, enter the delivery address and complete the purchase.
Once the purchase is made, the user receives a notification confirming the order and the estimated delivery date in the indicated address.
Marie Lindström, director of Too Good to Go in Spain, points out that “we are very happy to launch the pantry boxes in Spain and continue providing innovative and different solutions to reduce food waste. We have created a great community of very committed people who save food worldwide, also in Spain, and with this new solution we give the Spaniards another way of making a difference saving food in perfect from their favorite brands and receiving it directly at their home , thus helping to avoid their waste at the same time that they save money. ”
In the words of Julieta de Laurentiis, Marketing director of Kraft Heinz Iberia «we have many expectations in the association between Too Good To Go and Kraft Heinz. Our dream is to make a more delicious life every day, but so it is to find solutions so that our products remain enjoyed by our consumers, as well as contribute to the reduction of food waste ».
«We are excited to be part of the community of Too Good to Go. This alliance allows us to continue offering our products responsible, helping our consumers to enjoy them and, at the same time, to contribute to the reduction of food waste, ”says Marina Sempere, Sales Head Hero Spain.
«In Bimbo Group we are delighted, once again, to associate with Too Good to Go in an innovative initiative. Thus, we continue to advance in our goal of feeding a better world, now making our products easier and more accessible to consumers, contributing to minimize food waste, ”Olga Martínez, director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability at Grupo Bimbo Emea.
International initiative
In addition to Spain, the Pantry boxes are already available in Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Austria and the United Kingdom. Internationally, more than 1.6 million pantry boxes have already been saved.
The launch of this new solution adds to the good reception that the mission of Too Good to Go is having in the fight against food waste through its app with the surprise packs. The Too Good to Go app connects users with thousands of restaurants, supermarkets, bakeries and other food establishments that sell surprise packs with their daily food surplus at a small price. Today, more than 25 million surprise packs have already been saved in Spain.
More than 2.5 billion tons of food are wasted in the world and this represents 10% of global greenhouse gases. Combating food waste is essential to resolve the climatic crisis. Through its new service of Pantry Boxes, Too Good To Go and all the brands and businesses with which it works will contribute even more to collective efforts to reduce food waste and environmental impact.
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