Surely we have ever heard phrases “This smell reminds me of you” or “This aroma reminds me of a corner of your house.” AND likeOf course, receive this type of comment. Although we do not know, the smell of our domicile has almost the same importance as any other decorative element of our home.
That is, we must make an integral and harmonious design, through a multisensory experience. Apparently, the smell of a home can evoke quite pleasant sensations or, on the contrary, Awakening a certain rejection if it is not a pleasant aroma.
In depth
Hence the importance of turning it into a pleasant place for our smell and our most intimate circle. Also, of course, for our guests to remember the smell with personality of our thing. That is, as we know, a successful aroma can make a difference.
In general, the most common remedies for these types of occasions are the ambient and candles, which in recent months, in addition, They have viralized on social networks. Yes, by The number of smells classified by its main aromatic notes.
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Now, there is a simpler and equally effective solution. According to the owner of the cleaning company MB Green Cleaning and creator of Clean Casa, Marcela Barza, Ideally It is to ventilate well in the morning. Or at least he explained it in his account of Instagram.
Keeping this routine daily for ten minutes, it should be noted, will allow us to renew the atmosphere and end the bad odors. Something that will improve our health to breathe healthier air. Together with ventilation, the specialist has recommended Always keep the bins clean, with a mixture of water, alcohol and a few drops of soap for disinfectar.
To take into account
Then, we must apply a few drops of essential oil so that it smells better. As if that were not enough, we must frequently wash towels and bathrooms, and renew sponges and cloths. These elements usually smell a lot because The proliferation of bacteria.
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