That Artificial Intelligence is the technology of the moment and of the future is something that no one can deny, and in a short time AI has taken over all aspects of our lives, and work is one of the areas that is foreseeably going to change. be affected by its rapid adoption and evolution.
This is because we have already been able to verify that AI is capable of replicating simple and repetitive tasks better and faster than humans, and if we take into account that for now we still only see the tip of the iceberg of its capabilities, everything makes us to think that this technology will be capable of doing many more things in the coming years.
There are already numerous professions carried out by humans whose days are numbered, for the simple fact that an AI trained for these tasks can do them faster and at a lower cost than a worker. This is something that seems inevitable, and even more so after knowing the Report of the Future of Work 2025 carried out by the World Economic Forum, where among many aspects it is reflected an alarming trend that could arrive as early as 2030.
Through a survey of more than 1,000 employers representing more than 14 million workers in 22 industrial groups and 55 economies, this report indicates that More than 60% of employers expect expanded digital access to transform their business by 2030.
Specifically, a fact that draws a lot of attention is that 41% of employers intend to reduce their workforce as AI becomes more autonomous and capable of performing tasks on its own. Everything indicates that the professions that will suffer the most from these workforce reductions are related to the postal service, office professionals, including secretaries, accounting staff and administrative managers.
In turn, the survey shows that of the large companies surveyed, 77% want their workers to improve their skills and knowledge with AI between 2025 and 2030 to work better with it. This is a much closer reality than we thought, and as this survey reflects, companies are already adopting AI in all possible ways, so workers must do the same so as not to be left behind.
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