The Government knows well that, if it separates the issues presented to the vote, it is assured of the favorable vote of the Chamber on many of them.
All this incomprehensible mess that was created yesterday derives from the government’s mania for presenting together, to Congress and for its vote, issues that have little or nothing to do with each other. In such a way that the parties are obliged to approve or … reject simultaneously and en bloc issues with which they may agree along with others with which they disagree. A good example is what happened on Wednesday when the Government presented disparate proposals for joint approval such as the increase in pensions, reductions in public transport, the Minimum Wage, the electricity bill, the treatment of employment, aid to those affected by the floods in Valencia, and the return to the PNV of the Basque Government’s Paris delegation, once seized by the Nazis, returned by them to Franco and used today by the Cervantes Institute.
It is well understood that the Government is ‘stinging’ by its painful parliamentary defeat in which only what the PP approved was approved. It is also common and understandable for the Government to try to transfer the damage of its failure to the PP itself and, this is less understandable, to amnesty without shame of responsibility to the allied parties that it usually gives amnesty to, such as Junts. What does not have a pass and is not understood, what exceeds the limits of reason is that his resentment goes so far that he prefers and puts his particular interests before general harm.
He knows well that, if he separates the issues presented to the vote, he is assured of the House’s favorable vote on many of them. Regardless of the greater or lesser real degree of agreement they arouse, in this country no one dares to oppose the updating of pensions or the reductions in transportation. The PP committed it yesterday and Feijóo was good when he accused the government of using pensioners as human shields for his anger. This absurd debate has a very easy solution. It is enough to present the measures concerned separately and independently. The unanimity will be clamorous in many of them. Not doing so will be incomprehensible. It will be the certification that the Government puts the possibility of tarnishing the image of the PP – there will always be someone who believes such a lie – before real harm to ten million pensioners. Will we fall to that abyss of ignominy?
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#Ignacio #MarcoGardoqui #Resentment #overflowing