Waxing, depilatory creams or razors have long ceased to be common options for getting rid of hair. Although laser hair removal arrived in this country a long time ago – with much less advanced and effective treatments as now – it has been in recent years when this technique has become booming, with an unstoppable growth of clinics and with machinery that is increasingly It adapts better to all skin types. That the laser hurts or that you cannot have it done if you are going to be exposed to the sun shortly after are one of the most shared beliefs among the population, but, Are they really true?
Dr. Adrián Alegre, dermatologist from the Spanish Group of Aesthetic and Therapeutic Dermatology (GEDET) of the AEDV, explains: “One of the main problems is that we talk about lasers in a generic way, when there are a multitude of treatments based on lasers and other technologies. , each with its indications, protocols and recovery times. It is our job, as dermatologists, to better inform and make these therapies known in a precise way,” indicates the expert, who details the most common myths surrounding this hair removal technique.
Myth 1. The laser hurts
There is a part of the population that does not dare to try it for fear of pain. However, as Dr. Alegre clarifies, “it depends on the type of laser or technology, some (not all) can cause certain discomfort. Fortunately, more and more devices have systems that minimize them, such as forced cold air, contact cold, etc. There is also the option of using creams or other anesthetic methods to be decided together with the dermatologist.”
Myth 2. Rejuvenation leaves your face covered in scabs
“It is mainly ablative lasers (such as CO2 or Erbium) that generate scabs and their intensity depends on the modalities of use. When we talk about IPL (intense pulsed light), Q-Switched or picosecond lasers, they are also They can generate thin scabs with peeling of the skin as the spots are eliminated. Generally, these types of scabs do not last more than 5-7 days after treatment,” explains the dermatologist at the center. GEDET.
Myth 3. Lasers can permanently damage the skin
“In the right hands, such as those of a dermatologist who is an expert in laser, the risks of permanent lesions are almost completely eliminated. It is a safe technology, which has even been shown that when properly applied, in the long term, it can prevent cancer.” of skin”.
Myth 4. It cannot be used if you have dark skin
“It is true that some hair removal lasers, vascular or pulsed light, should be used with more caution on dark skin. In addition, this is more prone to suffering from post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. However, there are different devices that are 100% suitable for dark skin. dark skin, such as radiofrequency microneedling, focused ultrasound or Neodymium YAG lasers, among others. Furthermore, good preparation of this skin with an adequate dermatological routine means that it can undergo almost any treatment. treatment”.
Myth 5. The necessary information is not offered
“As a patient, you must ask the doctor to tell you what treatment he is going to perform, what it consists of, what to expect from recovery and the results; by consulting with a dermatologist specializing in laser technology you should obtain these answers. It is advisable to avoid treatments “miracle” that promise spectacular results in a single session and without any recovery period.
Myth 6. If I get a laser I will have to lock myself at home for a long time
“Recovery times vary greatly depending on the type of laser. From recovery in a few hours in a non-ablative laser to the redness of several weeks after scabbing and intense peeling typical of an ablative laser at high intensities. In the case of a “With very frequent treatment such as pulsed light, it is common to have small scabs and redness for 5-7 days. Most treatments are compatible with a normal life following appropriate dermatological recommendations.”
Myth 7. Laser hair removal does not remove hair and it grows back
“The hair removal laser slows down hair growth and permanently eliminates part of the hair follicles, although not 100%. That is why recall sessions are usually recommended from time to time but at long intervals.”
Myth 8. Laser hair removal does not work on people with light skin and hair
“Indeed, if the hair is very light, photoepilation will be more complicated, but there are new lasers with different wavelengths that can attack almost any hair color. It is advisable to consult with the specialist to recommend the best option,”
Myth 9. It cannot be done in summer
Yes…and no. “It is true that after most lasers, good photoprotection is recommended during recovery. This makes lasers with longer recoveries more uncomfortable to perform in summer. But there are many laser procedures with quick recoveries that can be done perfectly at any time. time of year with good aftercare.
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