Glositis, inflammation of the tongue, lingual infection, smooth language, gllosodinia or burning mouth syndrome is swelling and acute or severe inflammation of the tongue. It is not serious but it is uncomfortable for those who suffer from it.
Causes of Glositis
It is usually a symptom of other conditions
Glositis is usually a symptom of other conditions such as:
– An allergic reaction.
– Viral or bacterial infections such as syphilis.
– Have ferropenic anemia.
– Family history.
– Injury or irritation due to poorly adapted dental devices or prostheses.
– Burns.
– Alcoholism and/or smoking.
– Irritative food consumption.
Glositis symptoms
Swelling, color change and even pain
The signs of glossitis are:
– Language inflammation.
– Difficulty speaking, chewing or swallowing.
– Smooth texture of the tongue.
– Sensitive or sore tongue.
– Change of tongue color (intense red or pale color).
– Ardor, discomfort or pain.
– In extreme cases you can block the airways.
– Alterations in the voice.
Diagnosis of Glositis
Physical exam and blood analysis
Physical examination, physical description and blood analysis can help identify the cause of glossitis.
Treatment and medication of glossitis
Treat the cause
The treatment of glossitis depends on the identification of the cause. If it is for a bacterial infection, antibiotics will be prescribed. If the cause is in the diet, it can suffice with a modification of it. Vitamin supplements may also be recommended if there are nutritional deficiencies.
Glositis prevention
Good oral hygiene
The prevention measure to avoid gllositis is basically the correct oral hygiene: dental brushing, use of dental silk and even professional periodic hygienes.
This article was published at La Vanguardia on November 7, 2020
#Glositis #identify #symptoms #treat #tongue #inflammation