The National Police has arrested five men in Córdoba and has charged a sixth for their alleged involvement in a crime of Estafa to houses of purchase and sale of jewelswhere they sold replicas of 15 gold coins for more than 24,000 euros.
As reported by the National Police Corps in a note, the investigation began in November 2024, when several effort and sale operations of the coins were known. In all of them, the investigated told vendors that It was goldbut later, those responsible for these establishments could thoroughly verify that the pieces They only had gold in the outer coating.
Most of the sales operations with repurchase pact or efforts had been made in the same house. However, during the month of December, the agents were aware that in another establishment in the capital a currency of similar characteristics had been acquired to those investigated, whose Purchase value amounted to about 1,600 euros. As a consequence, this was intervened, as they had already done with the others, since they had proven that the currency was not gold.
Metals of little value
For various days, the investigated had appeared in the establishment that denounced the facts, making a effort of 14 coins. Among these were the following: ‘Liberty 1995 United Status of America and pluribus unuminous God wetrust 1 oz fine Gold 50 Dollars’; ‘Liberty 2008 United Status of America and pluribus unumin A total of 22,520 euros.
The agents determined that the 15 pieces were really composed of gold plywood in their outer coverage, camouflating their true composition, since the body or filling of the piece, which provides the greatest weight, was formed of other metals of little value.
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