For the Popular Party, the “behavior” of the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, who consider “incompatible” with the normal functioning of a western democracy, is more than more than enough reason to resign or, in case he does not do so , whether the Government of Pedro Sánchez who ceases his position at the head of the Fiscal Ministry. «If you don’t resign, what the government has to do is cease», Said Alberto Núñez Feijóo in an interview in COPE, as his party has been reiterating since the Supreme Court opened a criminal case against the attorney general for alleged revelation of secrets.
The PP leader has requested García Ortiz’s resignation after a Central Operating Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard, sent to the high court yesterday, accredited that the State Attorney General erased his WhatsApp messages “up to twice” on October 16; That is, the day the Supreme Court assumed the investigation against him for the filtration of confidential data of Alberto González Amador, boyfriend of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.
García Ortiz’s maneuver once he was aware that he would be investigated by the Supreme Gmail by García Ortiz “has been recently eliminated”according to the Civil Guard. In the opinion of the Opposition Chief, the maximum representative of the Fiscal Ministry “has the behavior of a common criminal, which is to erase the evidence that incriminates him.”
«The behavior of the attorney general, once it is already charged by the Supreme Court, is a behavior that has a double characteristic: the first, which has refused to declare and answer the judge’s questions; And the second, that the Civil Guard has accredited that, once it is aware that it will be investigated, Compulsively Whatsappps And he discharges his personal mail, ”said the president of the PP this Tuesday in the ‘Herrera in Cope’ program.
It has also affected that this situation is “unusual” in any Western democracy and that neither has a history in Spain. In fact, García Ortiz became October the first Attorney General of the State investigated by the Supreme. «When a state attorney general is being investigated by the Supreme Court of any of the 27 countries of the European Union, automatically what you should do is resign», Said Feijóo, while assuring that if he does not resign and the Sánchez executive does not stop him, it is because” he has done what the government has asked for. “
In any case, the law that regulates the Organic Statute of the Fiscal Ministry collects that the State Attorney General can only cease at his own request, for incurring some incompatibility, in case of disability or disease, for “serious or repeated breach of his functions »Or when the government that would have proposed it ceases. Of course, it will be the Council of Ministers that appreciates if there is any of those causes.
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