He General Council of Dentists has begun its sixth oral cancer campaign, which intends raise awareness On the importance of detecting this type of condition in time, which could reduce “Very considerably“The more than 1,500 deaths that causes in Spain annually.
In depth
The objective of the campaign is “raise awareness of the importance of dental reviews to detect the disease in their early stages “, and”claim the role of the dentist in the multidisciplinary teams of oncology to provide the patient with more complete care and, therefore, greater well -being“, according to a statement from the Council.
That is why during the day on Monday and Tuesday, People over 45 years They may request a free oral review at any of the clinics registered in the campaign, which can be found on the page ‘https://conceral.es/listado-clinicas/‘.
More details
“The dentist must guarantee That patients conclude their cancer treatment maintaining the highest quality of life, causing the minimum damage to their teeth and oral health. Although all possible side effects cannot be avoided, they can minimize“explained the president of the General Council of Dentists, the doctor Óscar Castro.
Participating dentists will receive a guide to deal with patients with oral cancer, as both chemotherapy and radiotherapy carry side effects such as mouth, mouth, coming to affect the ability to chew, speak and swallow the patient, or raising the risk of caries.
During the process oral mucositis, inflammation and irritation that hinders oral hygiene, or periodontal disease, which can lead to an increased risk of infections.
To take into account
Language too You have the possibility of burning, swelling or peelingespecially in intensive head and neck radiotherapy treatments, in addition to the patient can experience changes in flavors.
The campaign has the support of the Oral Medicine Society (Semo), the Spanish Society of Oral Surgery (Secib) and the Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC), organizations to which some 800 dental clinics have been added.
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