Although he studied journalism because he wanted to write, David Valldeperas Share the vocation of artists who give themselves to their audience. And his mission does not change although the program he now directs, ‘or that we were’ (channel quickie, ten) is much more modest than that ‘save me’ with which his own universe was created: «I have learned that with a minor budget also You can do cool things. At first you look limited, but that forces you to look for new ways to show and entertain ». To do this, it has those ‘heavyweights’ that has been accompanied by three decades and those who define with love: «Belén Esteban It is spontaneity, Lydia Lozano I wake up tenderness, Kiko Matamoros It always does show because it is a playful scoundrel with grace, Kiko Hernández It is a provocative that knows how to light the fuse that illuminates us with new points of view and María Patiño It is the perfect duality, she is 360, the same presents a topic and then comments, gets wet, does not act with the distance of other presenters, she gets to the bottom. As director, it gives them «all the freedom in the world, although there are red lines. As they are not actors they do not have to play a role, they must feel comfortable, as if they were in the Pisito room and not on a set.
David confesses «a cheerful guy, in life and at work. I am pragmatic, from death to success, everything is relative. For me, the important thing is to live in harmony ». Recognize there is something that has to improve: «My Prontos. I am reflective in general, but little in particular. I work under pressure, I make many decisions quickly and I am direct. I have to be less abrupt, understand that not everyone reacts the same and address each one as it deserves ». He would like to be a routine man, but his work prevents him from: «Everything is improvisation, every day is different. I would like to do sports, go to the gym, but it is impossible for me. If it were more routine I could free my mind at some moments and dedicate it to being more creative … »although it is considered a ‘bon vivant’, it does not happen to be capricious:« I like the good life, but I am not to waste. Nor do I need a yacht to be happy ».
David gives peace «The beach, breathing the breeze, feeling calm in front of the sea. Balearic Islands is my paradise. Each island has been important in different phases of my life, but I have not missing my appointment with Formentera and I escape ten days ». And they get him out of what the edges, the stupid, the wells. All those people make me in a bad mood ».
Although we watch his character when he gives the orders on television, Valldeperas shows his most hidden feature: “I am very romantic, but not ‘chorra’. I like to surprise and I am tremendously affectionate. That was instilled by my mother, who never lifted my voice and it was always a sky with me. He is a traditional romantic: «Now there are many types of couples, it seems very good and I respect it, but I am a bit jealous, I like having my plot and that nobody tries to shade. It is not that it is something sick, at all, but I am not prepared for an open couple. Jealousy would not allow me.
THE PHOTO: The child who got angry with Melchor
I should be happy for sitting on Melchor, but that serious face has an explanation: “Every year, my favorite magician king came home, I fought for the bad things he was doing and I ended up angry.” He always asked for a car or a truck for his collection: “I had them all, mine was obsession, but then they came with cable and what I wanted is that they were remote control, so he ended up separating the command.” David continued believing in Melchor for a long time: “The other children knew the truth, but I came home … until I discovered that I was an actor hired by my parents.” Nothing was denied the little David: «He was the spoiled child of the family. My mother was 44 years old and the age difference with my brother (18 years) and my sister (10) was huge. With them he had tremendous freedom to play and could do things that other children did not leave them. In addition, I was uncle at 8 years. With my nephews the relationship is almost friends, I even go out with them ».
David Valldeperas as a posa with Melchor
“I approved everything, but at the end of the EGB I bounced with life and suspended,” he remembers of his school time: “They entered me in a school for difficult children and my father tells myself ‘until you are a normal person do not salize From here ‘, so I reconsidered and changed ». At that time, he already showed it to be very imaginative: “I had no artistic vocation, it was bad in painting or plastic, but created stories from everything I read, because I was a voracious reader.”
Cheerful and outgoing, he created his ‘blue summer’ style gang: «We had a house on the beach and spent the holidays, so we saw each other and played every year. Over time my intimate group was created ». Although his heart has a special place for Bea and Laura, his two ‘best friends’ of a lifetime.
#David #Valldeperas #Jealousy #open #partner