It is often said that the difficult thing is not to arrive, but to stay. And this saying is for many situations in life. Although the reality is that landing in the UFC, the largest mixed martial arts league, is an extreme difficulty. And staying inside their ranks is even more. Dani Bárez He achieved the first one in 2023. And in his debut, he was very close but ended up losing submission to the Brazilian Jafel Filho. After suffering a terrible aggression in a Brazilian Jiujitsu competition in Valencia, he had to stop his dry career to recover. But he did. And he returned in September 2024 in Paris to take his first victory in the UFC against Mexican Víctor Altamirano. Now, the time has come to stay, to consolidate. And that to set an action at least, very competitive, before one of the emerging stars of fly weight: André Lima. Another Brazilian who wants to steal the dream of continuing to advance in the UFC to Bárez. The Valencian attends from Las Vegas to ABC MMA to analyze this challenge and everything that comes ahead. At 36, the best is yet to come.
– The time has come for your third fight at the UFC. How is the weight cut going?
– We have weighed 135 pounds this morning, I have 10 pounds left to give the weight, so it’s going very well. I am more tight than ever. I have my nutritionist David Rojas here who is directing me as in a video game.
– Although the first battle, and the toughest, is that of weight cut, are you thinking during these days the combat strategy? Are you reviewing it with your coach Fernando Amado?
– I have that in my head. We have the ‘game plan’ and visualize different scenarios, which goes very well, that goes very badly, to know how to play it in the fight. I have already worked with my sports psychologist, who not only have to visualize the good scenarios, you also have to get in negative situations. But all very well.
– You have already crossed your opponent, André Lima, at the hotel. What sensations has given you?
– When I saw him yesterday, he didn’t get up completely and seemed lower (laughs). It’s more or less like me, he looks tight, he’s strong.
– Parts as not favorite in this fight against a rival who comes with an emerging star poster and is undefeated in his professional career. Is that a motivation?
-Apart from that it is a motivation because in the end it is to fight against a fighter who is above me on the UFC scale, it obviously has to be the favorite: 10-0 professional, 3-0 in UFC and 26 years. I come from a victory and a defeat, if they put me as a favorite it would be crazy. I am very motivated to fight him. Excited and prepared. I am fighting at UFC, they are taking care of me a lot and achieving what everyone dreams of mixed martial arts career.
– I am not going to ask you about your strategy, because I know you are not going to reveal it to me, but for yours. He is a fighter with a good Muay Thai base and with a black belt from Brazilian Jiujitsu. Do you think you will want to take to the ground?
– I think your strategy will start with the ‘striking’ by putting pressure to try to take me to the fence and knock me down. Find the ‘clinch’ and try to take me to the ground. But it also has to go through the fight. I am prepared for any area within the fight.
– What worries you most within your skills?
– The only thing that worries me is that I do not give 100% that day. I am not worried about anything else. If not, I wouldn’t be fighting. It’s very good, but I can’t be worried about what he does, just control what I can do. And enjoy inside the cage.
– My impression is that for this third fight in the UFC your evolution will be noticed in maturity within the octagon. I have seen you very relaxed during Figh Week. Do you feel like that?
– When I debuted at the UFC it was in July 2023, then I fought more than a year later and I was very quiet. This time has spent less time and I think I will be quieter. They are from these fights that I think I will enter a state of Flow, where you do not worry about tiredness or the time left. I want to follow that line of enjoying and thinking that I can win anyone.
– I have the feeling that it will be very important that, if the defeat comes, which we believe will not happen, that it is leaving a very competitive image. Do you agree?
– Completely. I am a fighter who, when I have lost, has not been because I have blocked me or not given 100%. For my part it will not be, to leave everything on the cage. We are two colorful styles, it will be a good fight.
– With a 3-0 within the company, it would point to Andre Lima is very close to Top 15. Do you think a good victory can open the doors to fight against a fighter classified in the contestant list?
– For me it would be brutal. Winning this fight and competing against a Top 15 would be a dream, quickly scaing. This is UFC, the best in the world, but whenever I have gone to any international league I have immediately settled in the high rankings. It is very ambitious for my part, but why not?
– There is something very positive for your fight. And it is estimated that it will be at 10 pm in Spain. It has square very well.
– Completely. It will be a perfect schedule for dinner and see the fight. And then sleep, who can (laughs).
– What celebration do you have planned in case of Victoria?
– Whatever happens, I will go to the hotel to shower and eat with the family. Enjoy.
– The UFC Apex of Las Vegas, which are the private facilities that the company has in a giant ship, is a place where you have already fought and is without general public. Is that good or bad?
– Since I am fighting inside the UFC I like to fight in a stadium with people. But they have given us the opportunity to fight here and we are going to it. I don’t care, where there is an octagon, we will be there.
– Let’s end the exit song to the cage. You used in the last fight that of ‘Sará Perche Ti Amo’. Will you continue with her?
– Yes, yes, there is no reason to get out of the script (laughs).
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