It can manifest itself in the form of itching, irritation, redness either pain and it affects not only the quality of sexual relations but also the mood or even the libido. And although the vagina segregate fluids Constantly, these vary in consistency and quantity during the menstrual cycle. According to sexologist Lucía Jiménez, advisor to Diversual, her fluctuations respond to the hormonal changes related to the levels of estrogen and progesterone. Thus, when ovulation approaches, there is a peak in estrogen that subsequently decreases, leading to an increase in progesterone. When estrogen decreases, vaginal secretion tends to decrease.
A natural lubrication also occurs with the sexual excitementas it increases blood flow to the genitals, which facilitates the expulsion of fluid from the vagina. Fluids are also secreted by two glands that are found on both sides of the entrance to the vagina, which are called “Bartholin’s glands» and whose obstruction can lead to painful inflammation that can also cause vaginal dryness.
The lubricationTherefore, it depends on many factors. And although estrogen levels are usually behind many of the problems of lack of lubrication and this begins to become noticeable in perimenopause and menopause, the truth is that you can have low estrogen levels at any age and, therefore, therefore less lubrication. In this sense, Dr. María Fasero, from the Healthy Menopause Unit of the Sanitas La Zarzuela University Hospital, clarifies that other situations that can cause a decrease in estrogen are postpartumthe lactationthe taking of contraceptives or the oncological treatments such as radiotherapy to the lower genital tract, or those in which anti-estrogenic drugs are used, such as in breast cancer.
They share this opinion in Inty Essential, where they clarify that the consumption of certain medications and the application of oncological medical treatments (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) especially affect the state of the vaginal mucosa, reducing its elasticity and hydration.
Another factor that can influence is the state of the pelvic musclessince in many cases excessive rigidity or lack of muscle tone prevents the tissue from being sufficiently elastic and this especially affects lubrication. That is why the Diversual sexologist explains that a good way to improve this aspect is masturbationsince the pelvic contractions that occur during this stimulation allow the vaginal muscles to be kept in an optimal state. Although if the discomfort persists, the most appropriate thing would be to consult a doctor. pelvic floor physiotherapist who, after an examination and several tests, will recommend specific exercises for each case.
Likewise the stress and bad habits, especially tobacco and the lack of hydration They can influence vaginal lubrication. Thus, Dr. Lorena Serrano, gynecologist at the Catalan Institute of Health, explains that certain treatments such as antidepressants either antihistamines have been associated with a decrease in normal vaginal lubrication, as well as a excessive cleaning of the genitals based on vaginal douches and aggressive soaps that can alter the vaginal microbiota and cause alterations in it that affect lubrication.
Lubricant, an effective solution
The best solution to vaginal dryness is the use of lubricantsas explained in Diversual. In fact, experts clarify that many people use it even when they do not have problems with lubrication, as it produces pleasant and pleasurable sensations. It is also used when the sexual relationship, especially if there is penetration, is prolonged. Since repeated friction causes the lubrication to disappear.
At the time of choose a lubricant, It is important to know what its use will be:
If a condom is to be used, the lubricant must be compatible with latex; the lubricants water based either silicone base They are the right ones. It should be noted that the only ones compatible with both condoms and sex toys are water-based lubricants. These are usually light, do not stain anything and are respectful of the body. On the other hand, silicone-based ones are somewhat denser, so they may be more suitable for anal practices.
The lubricants of oil base They are not indicated for vaginal penetration, since they can alter the pH, and stain more, but to enjoy external massages they are ideal. They are also not compatible with sex toys.
For their part, the experts of Inty Essentials These factors stand out that must be taken into account to choose the most appropriate ones:
– Clean and safe composition: it is advisable to choose products without endocrine disruptors or irritants, such as fragrances or parabens. For example, some conventional lubricants contain glycols or propanediol, which can be irritating to sensitive mucous membranes.
– Compatibility with condoms: Water-based lubricants are ideal for avoiding safety problems, as they are compatible with latex and polyisoprene condoms. On the other hand, oil-based lubricants can compromise the integrity of condoms, increasing the risk of breakage.
– Balanced pH: It is essential that the lubricant respects the natural balance of the vaginal flora. An acidic pH, similar to that of the healthy vaginal environment (between 3.8 and 4.5), helps keep the microbiota in balance and prevents infections.
– Adequate osmolarity: A lubricant with an osmolarity close to that of vaginal mucus prevents dehydration of epithelial cells and prevents irritation. Lubricants with high osmolarity can draw water from vaginal cells, worsening dryness.
– Texture and duration: Depending on preferences, there are options with light or denser textures for greater comfort. Silicone-based lubricants, for example, offer longer-lasting lubrication, although they may not be compatible with certain silicone sex toys.
Furthermore, it is recommended avoid home remedies not scientifically proven, such as the use of natural oils (such as coconut or olive oil) that, although they may seem harmless, can alter the vaginal pH and are not compatible with condoms.
Self-care and probiotics
It will also be useful to maintain good vaginal health to follow healthy habits such as regular sports practice, avoiding tobacco and controlling weight, blood pressure and cholesterol. Even an active sexual life can be, if there is no pain, a natural treatment to avoid vaginal dryness from a physiological point of view because, according to Dr. Fasero, those small microtraumas that occur during intercourse can stimulate the formation of new blood vessels and collagen fibers that will improve the elasticity of the vagina and vaginal discharge.
You can also consider the use of supplements with probiotics especially when that person is going to undergo treatment with oral antibiotics, since this destroys both pathogenic bacteria and the vaginal ecosystem. In this sense, experts advise consulting with a professional as it is advisable to be guided to choose the most appropriate type of strain for each case.
If we talk about food, probiotics can be found, for example, in yogurt, kefir, kombucha, pickles, sauerkraut and kimchi.
Finally, it should be noted that if the use of lubricants and healthy habits are not enough to alleviate the discomfort of vaginal dryness, it is advisable to go to a gynecological consultation to rule out other pathologies.
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