The overwhelming majority of the Legislative Assembly that responds to the new ideas of Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele, has fulfilled one of its most anticipated functions by Bukelism: to give free way for the Design of a new Magna Carta I know … Adjust, as a glove at hand, to the interests and needs of its popular leader.
In today’s Savior, making changes so transcendent to such fundamental laws, takes around 27 minutesthat was what lasted in the Legislative Assembly the alleged discussion, debate and approval of the reform to article 248 of the current Constitution that implements the constitutional reform project. The 54 deputies of new ideas plus the two seats of the National Concentration Party and the only vote of the Christian Democratic Party – two satellite groups of the ruling party – approved ignoring the allegations of the very small opposition, reduced to two votes of the rightist sand and A vote of the Vamos game.
The key piece
The key to the constitutional reform project is in the new article 248, which says: «(…) The reform of this Constitution may be agreed by the Legislative Assembly with the vote of half plus one of the elected deputies. In order for such reform to be decreed, it must be ratified in the Legislative Assembly with two thirds or by the Legislative Assembly, with three quarters of the elected deputies (…) ». This means that the Constitution can now change expedited, without counterweights, and with immediate effect on those who hold power at that time. Thing that before, it was unthinkable.
Prior to the Bukele era, article 248 established that in order for a change in the Constitution to enter into force, a legislature would need to approve the reform and then – with a popular election in between – a second legislature ratified the changes. Now, the new reform enables a single legislature to approve and ratify the changes with the vote of three quarters of the elected deputies. That is, the new Legislative Assembly, controlled in 95% by Bukele, may modify the Constitution with a simple majority (31 votes, sentences) overnight and ratify it, at the same time, with just three quarters of the congress ( that is, 45 votes). According to opposition sources close to the Assembly, one of the reasons behind this change is to allow Bukele’s indefinite re -election, the political control of his family and the reign of the hegemonic party of new ideas.
Now that, officially, the new deputies have ratified the reform of article 248, any change to the Constitution may be approved immediately and without the need, as it had been so far, to wait for a new legislature to between functions and ratify it. Constitutional changes will already be in force for when they are the new 2029 elections.
Consolidation of a dictatorship?
For the veryy opposition, this is a safe step to the concentration of power in a single man and a single party; Nayib Bukele and new ideas. And, analyzing the context, the examples in the region are right.
The dictator of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced in his speech of possession on January 10, who would work in reforms to the Constitution after the tense moments that were lived after the elections that, according to the international community, won the candidate Opposition Edmundo González Urrutia, and who won the continental discontent of most governments, with the exception of the Cuban and Nicaraguan dictatorship and the socialist government of Honduras.
On the other hand, in Nicaragua the new Constitution has already entered into force, promulgated by the couple of dictators Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo; A new Magna Carta that gives all the power to the presidential couple and that, in fact, eliminates the figure of “vice president” and restores it as “co -president” of the nation, to match in power and powers to the first lady Murillo.
Paradoxically, that of Bukele, even if it is a government of different ideology, with international recognition, massive popularity and important triumphs in the field of security and stability that they definitely do not have the dictatorships of Venezuela and Nicaragua, they are very similar in their way of governing, With the slight difference that Bukele is “the most cool dictator in the world” (as he himself described in his social networks) and Ortega and Maduro are, nothing more, autocrats of the old school.
#Bukele #tailored #constitution