The theme of pension and benefit incompatibilities It is a recurring theme among users of Alldisabilitysince it is true that there are aids that cannot be collected if you are already receiving others.
However, in the case of having a permanent disability pensionwhich is granted to people who, for reasons of health or disability, cannot continue working, and the widow’s pensionlawyer Pedro López del Cerro clarifies that yes they can be compatiblesince “they accrue pensions for different causative events: one is for the death of the spouse or common-law partner; and another is for a personal situation that prevents us from working.”
Therefore, pensions for absolute permanent disability or great disability or total permanent disability “are compatible with a widow’s pension in the event that the spouse dies,” he insists.
If you have questions or need guidance or want to resolve questions like this, related to the world of disability, law, pensions or Social Security, you can send questions through ‘Alldisability‘, the profile that Pedro López de Cerro has created on Instagram.
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