Italian influencer is seeing how its companies collapse with millionaire losses in recent months
Chiara Ferragni (37 years) marked precedent. The Italian based on the basis of social networks as a business model by building a multi -million dollar empire on its own image that, in recent months, is being broken. The controversy for the ‘Pandoro Gate’ has derived in the fact that large brands have terminated their contracts with the ‘influencer’ after being accused of fraud, something that directly affects their income. To this delicate situation is added its recent separation from the Italian rapper Fedez (35) After five years of marriage and two children in common. Since it broke into the lives of millions of people through the screens, the young woman has not lived something similar. Without her husband, with less and less hiring and without the support of those who made her savor the honeys of success, the businesswoman lives her particular drop to hell.
Following the ‘Pandoro Gate’ scandal, the company that groups the influencer brands under the name of ‘Fenice’ has registered millionaire losses in recent months due to the loss of numerous advertising contracts.
To try to save this situation, Chiara has met with her members of Alchimia and this week they have approved a capital expansion of 6.4 million euros. As reported by the Italian newspaper ‘Il Corriere della Sera’, the group has deliberate “The social reconstruction” of the company before the brutal crisis he faces. Sisterhood has claimed to be “willing to subscribe the capital increase in proportion to the participation possessed,” according to the aforementioned media.
While the judicial process of the ‘Pandoro Gate’ case is still open and with its still recent divorce, the influencer tries to gradually resume its public life after almost two years of absolute absence and a few weeks ago sat in the front row during a parade of the Milan Fashion Week, also went to the Paris held on March 5. Small gestures with which the Italian tries to position again among the most influential young women on the international scene. Aí, last February he managed to star in the cover of the magazine ‘Elle’ in its Romanian version.
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