The Polyomyelitis is a viral infection That has various levels of gravity. In the most serious cases it causes damage to the nervous system causing paralysis, even breathing difficulties, death. In Western countries it is practically eliminated, but the poliovirus, the polyomyelitis virus, still causes damage to specific areas of Asia and Africa. To go to those areas you have to be vaccinated and receive a reinforcement dose.
Causes of polyomyelitis
Contagion or contaminated food
The polyomyelitis virus is transmitted by direct contact with an infected patient or consuming contaminated food and drinks via fecal-ural. Virus carriers do not necessarily get sick, but they can spread it. There is a higher percentage of cases among young children, under five years but any non -vaccinated person can be infected. A severe derivative is paralytic polyomyelitis that can create temporal or chronic muscle paralysis, bone damage and even death.
Polyomyelitis types:
– Non -paralytic. Mild signs and symptoms similar to those of other viral diseases.
– Pararalitic. Infrequent.
– Pospolomielitic syndrome.
Polyomyelitis symptoms
Being infected does not mean being sick
Most people infected with polyomyelitis virus do not get sick and never discover that they have been infected. In this case they have no symptoms.
The most frequent symptoms of non -paralytic polyomyelitis are:
– Febrile state.
– Headache.
– Margery discomfort.
– dizziness and vomiting.
– Feeling of tiredness.
– Pain and rigidity in some parts of the body.
– These symptoms are not very intense and usually last between seven and ten days.
Pararalitic polyomyelitis presents the same signs, but also causes:
– Muscle weakness.
– Loss of reflexes.
– Loose extremities (flaccid paralysis).
Postyomyelithic syndrome is an incapacitating variety that attacks some patients who had polyomyelitis years before. These are its main symptoms:
– Muscle weakness and difficulty swallowing and maintaining normal breathing.
– Feeling of tiredness.
– Muscle atrophy.
Polyomyelitis diagnosis
Physical examination
The doctor examines the patient and through the observation of symptoms can determine that it is before a case of this disease. To be sure of the diagnosis, a sample of tissues of the throat and another of feces is analyzed.
Polyomyelitis treatment and medication
There is no cure, but effective treatments
Polyomyelitis is not fully cured, but treatments in time produce a good quality of life. It is usually prescribed analgesics and concrete therapies depending on the damage caused by the disease.
Polyomyelitis prevention
The vaccine, indispensable
The most effective way to prevent polyomyelitis is the antipoliomyelitic vaccine.
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