The fifth exhumations campaign at the Víznar (Granada) ravine has allowed locating Two new graves that they were not documented, in which it is already being intervened. With this finding up to 23 the common graves of illegal burials found in this enclave, declared a place of democratic memory.
The number of people exhumed by the multidisciplinary team led by the University of Granada (UGR) also rises to 140, of which 33 are women and 107 men, all of them with injuries caused by firearms.
The works of this fifth campaign began in December, with the preparations. During the month of January the scientists of the UGR – responsible since 2021 of the exhumations in the Víznar ravine – have intervened the last localized grave, which housed the remains of three men.
The works have allowed estimating the age of the first among the 15 and 18 yearsthat of the second among the 30 and 40 and, that of the third, between 40 and 50. The bodies of Two womenwhose ages range between 40 and 55 years.
Of the last two cavities the bodies of two other men and one last victimfinding his remains in the process of anthropological-formal study, so their ages cannot yet be determined.
These campaigns are funded by the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations of the Courts and Democratic Memory (subsequently through the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory) and the Junta de Andalucía.
First identified
The team is led by Francisco Carrión Méndez, professor of the Department of Prehistory and Archeology at the University of Granada. To date, of the set of exhumed victims, three of them have been positively identified, to which It has been able to name and surnames through the DNA sampling comparison carried out by the Genetics Laboratory of the University of Granada. They are Antonio Rosales Ruiz, Juan de Dios Adarve López – whose remains were delivered to both families last June – and Eloísa Martín Cantal, which was collected by his younger brother at the beginning of January 2025.
The group of relatives of reprisals and retaliated in the Víznar ravine is still waiting for new results that the laboratory can report, while Samples continue to be sent that could enable more identifications.
During the month of February, the first two secondary education centers have been received that they requested to visit the work in the Barranco. There, representatives of the different disciplines involved in the project (archeology, history, anthropology and sociology) have explained the details of the intervention in collaboration with relatives Volunteers, who have sent the new generations of students how they are facing the process of searching the victims.
Finally, the team responsible for exhumation works has enabled an email address for Serve relatives that link the whereabouts of their retaliated relatives in the Víznar ravine or to specify new visits with educational centers:
#finding #Víznar #ravine #located #graves #documented