Anna Simon He came with his colleagues Fair nonsenseFlo and Romina, at the reunion of the program in Martinez and brotherswith Dani Martínez. There, he told of his ‘earth swallow me’ moment that happened to him when they were working together.
“Me on Friday afternoons, When we finished, I went to the airport to catch a flight to my homeland,” the presenter explained. “In fact, one of those days, I went there and made a stop to smoke a cigarette,” the story continued.
At that stop, she reached into her bag and realized she was carrying a strange object. “I looked into the bag and saw a huge peniswith veins and everything,” he said with a laugh. “I started to think and I realized that they had been the locker room ones,” he realized.
“I I had to go through airport control and I didn’t want them to see me with that,” he presented the problem of the anecdote. “I couldn’t leave it there because there were people smoking and I didn’t find trash cans“he lamented.
The woman’s idea was none other than to go to the bathroom, where she also couldn’t find a place to throw the large device. “I left him standing on the toiletand when I saw that there was a girl waiting I told her that it was already there,” the funny story ended.
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