The founder and embryologist specialist in assisted reproduction of Fertilab Barcelona, doctor Marta Antichexplains that “Personalizing your diet and adopting healthy eating habits are key to enhancing fertility in men and women.“.
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Likewise, it highlights the importance of adjust feeding to individual needs, taking into account how each person digests and absorbs nutrients, thus optimizing reproductive health. “Eat consciouslyspending time with meals and observing how the body reacts to certain foods are essential steps to optimize fertility“says the specialist.
Avocado and blue fish are some of the key foods to improve fertility, while the sugars refined and caffeinated beverages They have just the opposite effect on reproductive health.
Blue fish are an exceptional source of Omega 3an essential nutrient. In addition, being small, they usually contain less mercury than other large fish such as salmon. While avocado is beneficial because it is a food rich in antioxidant properties and vitamin E, highlighted for its content of healthy fats that contribute to balance hormones and improve the quality of eggs and sperm.
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Consume fruits forest, Citrus fruits and papaya are also advisable as they improve the intestinal tract. Likewise, garlic, onion, parsley and cilantro contain a lot of vitamin C, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties, which are essential for a healthy reproductive environment.
For its part, The intake of refined sugars and ultra-processed foods is discouraged since these products generate inflammation in the body and alter hormonal levels, affecting the nervous system and, consequently, can affect fertility.
In addition, high consumption of caffeine and energy drinks can alter hormonal balance, although No is prohibited, it is recommended to limit yourself to one cup of coffee a day. They also advise avoiding a monotonous diet with excessive portions since the lack of variety in food can generate nutritional deficiencieswhile Uncontrolled portions can lead to physical changes that affect fertility.
To take into account
When it comes to vitamin supplements, the most recommended to improve fertile health are Omega 3, vitamin D, folic acid and antioxidants such as zinc, selenium and vitamin E.
Likewise, it is also useful maintain healthy habits such as taking care of intestinal health, moderate fluid consumption during meals, practice physical activity and manage stress.
Lastly, to help better fertilityit is essential to adopt a comprehensive approach that combines a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management and the support of fertility specialists. Carrying out a fertility checkup with professionals is the first step to personalize treatment and increase the chances of conceiving.
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