Most of the organs They are essential for the proper functioning of the body, but one of the most important are the kidneyswhose main function is filter the blood to remove toxins and convert waste into urine. They also contribute to control of blood pressure and the production of red blood cells.
Keep the kidneys in good condition It is essential for the general health of the body. There are various guidelines to take care of them and preserve their well-being. One of them is to eat foods that benefit the functioning of these organs.
He blueberry It is a very nutritious fruit that has been used by Native Americans for thousands of years. They They consumed it both fresh and dried and took advantage of all parts of the plant.including the fruit, leaves, flowers, stems and roots, for therapeutic purposes.
This is because blueberries are a highly effective food for combating various diseases. It is an excellent source of vitamins, such as C and those of group B, minerals, antioxidants and essential acids.
This fruit of the forest is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, so incorporating blueberries into your daily life will help maintain kidneys in good condition and the bladder clean. These tart-tasting berries help fight kidney stones and other urinary tract infections.
His large amount of organic acids increase the acidity of urine and prevent the proliferation of bacteriawhile flavonoids reduce inflammation of the venous walls, preventing microorganisms from adhering and multiplying.
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