One of the perversions that the pandemic left us was the poisoned candy of teleworking, an apparently empathetic formula that, with the promise of facilitating the reconciliation of private and professional life, took over our lives 24 hours a day, subjecting us to an unredeemed slavery. The time lost on the way to and from work does not compensate for rest, leisure and family care, but quite the opposite. It is urgent to learn to take advantage of the advantages and flee like the plague from the inconveniences of this digital craving that wants to colonize us.
In the most intimate moment of any person – a family meal, a couple’s discussion, a chat with a teenage daughter or the deepest conversation with your friend – a notice of a work obligation, a call from the boss, can always burst in. or the unavoidable commitment that comes in the form of a harsh and urgent alert, without actually being so. We have become accustomed to living in the shadow of the urgent warning, which is permanently present in our lives via telematic means, thus trivializing situations that truly require urgent attention. With omnipresent promiscuity, technological gadgets – the ubiquitous smart terminal or home automation – conspire in a suffocating and invasive way until they annul our will as theoretically free beings.
#Victims #digital #craving