As has been customary in recent years, Christmas has brought with it the spread of various diseases and viruses. The most notable one is called noroviruswhich represents one of the main causes in Spain of gastrointestinal infection outbreaks.
Together with the flu or COVID-19, the reality is that the health situation is quite complicated. What’s more, the most affected regions include autonomous communities such as Madrid, Andalusia and Cataloniawhere outbreaks in educational centers, nursing homes and hospitals have been very worrying.
Symptoms appear to appear suddenly between 12 and 48 hours after exposure to the virus.and They can last between one and three days. The most common are the following:
- General malaise and low-grade fever: feeling of fatigue, weakness and, in some cases, mild fever that accompanies the clinical picture.
- watery diarrhea: Significant fluid loss through diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration if not adequately replaced.
- abdominal pain: Cramps and discomfort may be experienced in the stomach area, which may vary in intensity.
- Explosive vomiting and nausea: can lead to rapid dehydration, especially in young children and older people.
To take into account
Given the rebound in cases, experts have highlighted the importance of adopting preventive measures. Yes, we are talking about a proper hand hygiene, proper washing of vegetables and fruits, and disinfection of common surfacesamong other things.
The highest point
As if that were not enough, many Spaniards are wondering when the peak of the flu is expected in the capital. Well, the general director of Public Health of the Community of Madrid, Elena Andradashe indicated in an interview with ‘Zero Wave‘which is expected reach the peak incidence in “one or two weeks“.
“We have been observing for three weeks now the increase in circulation, mainly of the flu virusalthough it is not the only respiratory virus that is circulating at the moment,” he revealed. And it is no wonder. According to data from the Ministry of Health, currently The flu rate stands at 66 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
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