They denounce the practice of conversion therapies for homosexual people in several Spanish dioceses

The Spanish Association against Conversion Therapies has filed a complaint with the General Directorate for Real and Effective Equality of LGTBI+ People of the Ministry of Equality against several Spanish dioceses, among which is Sigüenza-Guadalajara, as well as against people physical and a company and a foundation for carrying out conversion therapies aimed at homosexual people to “change their sexuality.” The project in question is called ‘Transformed’.

The president of the association, Saúl Castro, explains that his organization was aware of the events since 2023, when they began the investigation, following a series of pamphlets in which people from the LGTBI community were invited to attend the events so that they “listened to other possible ways of living their sexuality.” The association has been present at some events and has also been able to access others through the social media channels of the dioceses.

“This is an initiative that has also promoted documentaries for the practice of conversion with the idea that homosexuality is not a natural sexual orientation, but is the result of different traumas in the development of identity and maturity,” says Castro, who has filed the complaint against several individuals, including those responsible for the ‘Transformed’ project and also against vicars of the Diocese of Getafe and also against a series of dioceses: the Archdiocese of Madrid, the Diocese of Alcalá de Henares, the Diocese of Sigüenza-Guadalajara, the Archdiocese of Valencia and the Bishopric of Málaga.

The complaint is for the “active commission” or omission of “very serious” administrative infractions of Law 4/2023 for the real and effective equality of trans people and for the guarantee of the rights of LGTBI people, according to the document. to which you have had access and advanced Article 17 of said law prohibits conversion therapies and identifies as “very serious” infractions the promotion or practice of methods, programs or therapies of aversion, conversion or counterconditioning, which have the purpose of modifying sexual orientation, sexual identity, or the gender expression of people, regardless of the consent that they or their legal representatives may have given.

“We understand that a postulate of repression and annulment of homosexuality is being promoted, well, through the supposed healing of wounds and the recovery of heterosexuality and the sexual orientation of homosexual people,” Castro highlights.

Abstinence or chastity

Castro points out that the ‘Transformed’ conversion therapy consists of homosexual people living “in chastity” and carrying out daily religious practices, including reading the Bible, daily prayers, attending mass and confession, so that “ The love you look for in people of your same gender be replaced by the love that God gives you.” From the Association they explain that the therapy ensures that if the practices are carried out continuously, homosexuality can be “repaired” and they give “examples” of “supposed homosexuals” who “ceased being homosexual.” “They specifically recommend associations that accompany homosexual people who supposedly want to stop being homosexual,” Castro criticizes.

In addition to this, “life in chastity” is proposed as the “only possible way” so that homosexual people “can be happy,” according to the complaint. The association has identified 13 events of this type between the years 2023 and 2024, one of them in the Monastery of Buenafuente del Sistal in the Alto Tajo Natural Park, in Guadalajara. “All of them during the month of the LGTBI Pride celebration,” adds Castro. The association also includes in the complaint the media that have reported the events.

The diocese denies that it was in the programming

The diocese of Sigüenza-Guadalajara has denied that this activity was held in the monastery. Spokesman Alfonso Olmos has assured in the Chain Being having requested the programming of the activities carried out in Buenafuente del Sistal, and has indicated that said activity “does not appear.” elDiarioclm has contacted the diocese, but has refused to respond.

“In Castilla-La Mancha, conversion therapies have been prohibited since before the trans law came into force,” explains the president of the Spanish Association against Conversion Therapies. That is why he regrets that these types of events “show” that prohibitions “do not work” because “they do not even serve to deter those who commit these acts of violence against LGTBI people.”

“It is a manifestation that our legal system is not giving a correct response to the seriousness of conversion therapies as violence directed towards the LGTBI community,” highlights Castro. Sources from the Castilla-La Mancha Ministry of Equality assure that they have contacted representatives of the diocese to find out exactly what has happened, although they emphasize that they have not received any complaints.

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