If you get caught in a lie, lie again. Report that the person who discovered you is a liar or worse, someone who is in the pay of those who seek to destroy society. It seems like a not very intelligent, almost childish, strategy, but it would be a mistake to question its effectiveness in current times. The recent attack in Magdeburg has shown how the extreme right has radicalized its propaganda in Europe and the US. The cause is more important than the facts. The first is sacred. Facts can be shaped or changed if necessary when they contradict the message.
A 50-year-old Saudi psychiatrist launched a rented 4×4 at high speed into the crowd occupying the street at one of the traditional Christmas markets that take place in Germany. Five people were killed and 235 injured on December 20. Due to its similarity to the attack against a similar target in Berlin in December 2016, it was initially thought to be a jihadist attack aimed at a symbol of Western society because it was related to Christmas. Far-right social media accounts took advantage of it to spread their usual messages of hate against immigration and Muslims.