There are some foods that are not part of our usual diet (generally) so when the time comes to consume them we may hesitate due to possible poisoning. This is what sometimes happens when we eat seafood, a food that many homes in Spain do not even consider eating and that is occasional in others, because despite being quite healthy, its price makes it many people think twice.
The seafood has few calories, few carbohydrates and fats and is rich in quality proteinsare an important source of nutrients, both vitamins and minerals. Fish and seafood can be part of our regular diet, in fact they are highly recommended for people looking to lose weight due to these characteristics that we have pointed out, but always keeping in mind that health comes first, whether there is an intolerance or whether poisoning occurssomething that we do not always know how to detect.
Shellfish poisoning: causes and first symptoms
Not all poisonings present the same symptoms, because these depend on the causes that produce it. In the case of seafood, the most common thing is that it is due to a toxic substance called saxitoxinwhich is found in mussels, clams, oysters and scallops, and which does not disappear when cooked. In this case, the symptoms The most common are a tingling sensation that is noticeable a few minutes after eating, stomach upset, colic, vomiting, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, and inability to move arms and legs.
In addition, other poisoning can also occur from eating fish, such as ciguatera poisoning, a toxin that sometimes accumulates in older fish and is recognized because, after hours, causes cramps and diarrheaand over time itching, tingling, headaches, muscle pain, and a feeling of cold and heat at the same time also appear.
Some fish like tuna and bonitoIf they are not stored or refrigerated properly, a toxin called scombroids can be found, which produces histamine poisoning and makes the fish has a bitter or spicy taste and produces symptoms such as red and hot skin, upset stomach, vomiting and hives on the skin.
The most common treatment for this problem
If there are suspicions that there is poisoning due to seafood consumption, it is best to contact medical services as soon as possible. The most appropriate treatment will be the one they consider for each occasion, but it usually includes antihistamine medicationsas well as others that help the patient stop vomiting if necessary, some that help reduce body temperature and make heart rate and breathing return to normal. It is usually recommended to drink plenty of fluids, but if this is not possible, intravenous treatment will be recommended.
To avoid poisoning from seafood consumption, it is best to buy fresh and good quality products and in trusted places, good storage is also important, refrigerating it quickly and avoiding leaving it unrefrigerated for too long. Before and after handling seafood, it is essential wash your hands wellas well as the utensils used. In addition, it is not recommended for vulnerable people to take it raw or poorly cooked.
Fish and shellfish poisoning: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. (sf).
MSD Manuals. (2023, December 1). Key facts: Shellfish poisoning – MSD Manual General Public Version. MSD Manual General Public Version. seafood
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