The drama of Irene Rizzotto, who died at 27 after a hemorrhage: the heartbreaking decision of her parents after her disappearance
A truly heartbreaking piece of news has hit the community, after the heartbreaking and sudden disappearance of Irene Rizzottoa girl of only 27 years old, who died due to a sudden hemorrhage. The doctors’ attempts to keep her alive were in vain.
Obviously his premature death has brought pain and despair, not only to the hearts of his family, but also to all those who had the opportunity to know her. Only a short time ago he had finished his internship at a primary school in the province of Venice.
Irene was only 27 years old and had a great love for childrenthis was also due to the studies she had decided to undertake in Educational Sciences. Her secret dream was precisely to be able to work with the little ones and to be able to spend a lot of time with them. However, something did not go as she had expected.
The 27-year-old had previously had a stroke and due to various health problems, she had also been operated on in Paris just a week ago. Last night July 11thwhile he was at home, he had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. His parents soon became alarmed and called for the prompt intervention of the paramedics.
The Heartbreaking Death of Irene Rizzotto and Her Parents’ Heartbreaking Decision
#Irene #didnt #passed #age #parents #heartbreaking #decision #passing