WhatsApp has just introduced a large number of new functions for the year that has just begun, addressing several commonly used tools within the Meta-owned instant messaging application. From stickers to quick reactions through in-camera effects, here’s everything you need to know about the new additions coming aboard the popular software Free cross-platform.
The first news of 2025 for WhatsApp
These are the new features introduced in WhatsApp in January 2025:
- Camera effects– These are the same 30 backgrounds, filters and special effects that were initially introduced last year for video calls and are now also freely accessible for photos and videos shared within the app. app in individual or group chats.
- Selfies convertible into stickers: when you click on create stickerthe camera icon will appear, so with a single tap a selfie can immediately transform into a sticker to send to your contacts and obtain an original and personalized result.
- Share stickers: packages stickers are now among the items that can be shared with contacts.
- Reactions fast– Simply double-tap on a message to immediately get the list of emojis for quick reactions on the go.
All new features can be used on both supported operating systems, except the stickers with selfieswhich will debut on iPhone and will also arrive on Android in the near future.
How to get the new WhatsApp features
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As usual, to get the new features immediately, you need update the application to the latest available version in iPhone through the App Store or on Android through Google Play. The launch is taking place gradually, so you may have to wait a few days to be able to take advantage of all the new features now. Among other new features that have been made official in recent times, one of the most significant is the possibility of using some of the ChatGPT options within the app.
Article originally published in WIRED Italy. Adapted by Mauricio Serfatty Godoy.
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