Around a hundred positions and vox releases, critics with the drift that the formation of the extreme right has taken, have met this Saturday at a hotel in Madrid to claim the address that Santiago Abascal chairs a congress of “re -foundation” of the “re -foundation” of Party to recover the hallmarks with which he was born and return to celebrate primary elections, among many other things. According to denounce they have “the painful general feeling” that “they have stolen the game” and “they do not know who is in command or what direction it carries.”
In addition, the group of discontent, who for the first time have decided to stand up to the leader, wonder if Abascal could be “hostage to this situation or a necessary collaborator” so that they demand responsibilities from their executive for their “contempt to the spirit of regeneration that caused the birth and success of Vox. ”
The appointment has been attended by the Attorneys of Castilla y León recently expelled, Ana Rosa Hernando, from Burgos, and Javier Teira, from Salamanca and the spokeswoman of the City of Palencia, Sonia Lalanda, who was also expelled for expressing her discrepancies with The Vox dome has also gone the Discola de Baleares Idoia Ribas deputy, in addition to former public office from various communities and Several active councilors.
None of the leaders who abandoned the training for discrepancies with Abascal, such as Macarena Olona, Espinosa de los Monteros, Rocío Monastery, or Juan García Gallardo, who resigned from all his positions recently, has been seen there.
The discontent of this group, which grows more every day, has lasted over the last months because they believe that current Vox leaders are making decisions that harm the formation, including leaving the group of European conservatives (European conservatives ( ECR) led by Giorgia Meloni in Europe, and boost Patriots together with Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has financed Vox. These positions already criticized this decision in the manifesto ‘patriots of those who pay’, which they made public before the celebration of the summit of that party in Madrid under the tutelage of Abascal.
Another of the reproaches that make the direction is “absence of internal democracy, the annulment of the right to comment, order and command through dissemination lists, fear of reprisals and insults to those who dare to speak or the null transparency in the management of the funds ”.
Specifically, they claim to celebrate primary, repealed “abusing the good faith of affiliates to shield the dome.” Only those that are convened for the presidency of the party are maintained but the critics remember that the unexpected call of the extraordinary assembly “made it impossible to present any alternative candidacy.”
They also consider that it was a mistake to abandon the autonomic coalition governments with the PP for the discrepancies with those of Feijóo for immigration and regret that they have “thrown or invited to leave” to those who have contributed “at different levels of responsibility to build the Vox project ”.
As “conclusion” affirm that “nothing remains of the spirit of regeneration of public life that inspired the creation of Vox.” Those gathered at this summit have made public, at the end of the meeting, a document that they have baptized as “Declaration of Barajas”, since the conclave was held in a hotel in that district in Madrid
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