Finland is one of the coldest countries in Europe and its inhabitants know well the importance of keep warm at home during the harshest winter months.
But heating a house can be expensive, and that’s why the Finns have a cheap trick that anyone can do in their own home, which will cost about two euros, and Furthermore, it does not pollute.
To do this, you need to have bubble wrap, which is usually used to wrap fragile things. You must cut out pieces that allow the windows of the house to be covered completely.
You have to spray the glass of the windows with water (inside the house), so that it can be created in the window a thin layer of moisture.
Then, we must place the bubble wrap on the wet glass, sticking the smooth side to the glass and the one with the bubbles out. We press so that it adheres.
And that’s it. The air trapped inside the bubbles acts as a thermal insulator, in such a way that a barrier is created that prevents the entry of cold from outside and the heat output from the interior.
The plastic must stay stuck all winter and if it falls off you have to repeat the procedure.
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