The planning bombs (glide bombs, in their English translation) have become the great threat of cities close to the front in Donbás, east of Ukraine. One of the last attacks aimed at the outskirts of the … Slaviansk and at least one woman lost her life and there were several injured. The Russians burst a school that, like all in this part of the country, was empty since 2022. The invasion froze education in Donbás. Shortly after concluding the pandemic, Vladimir Putin tanks crossed the border, the educational centers had to close their doors and families with children were evacuated to areas far from the front. The Ukrainians in the eastern zone meet four online education courses and classes are a miracle that depend on electricity and internet connection in each house.
The closer the enemy is, the greater the danger. In Mikolaivka, north of Slaviansk, they are 20 kilometers from the front and is the headquarters of the DonBasenergo electric plant, which has made it an object of attacks against the country’s energy sector. In the town there are about 6,000 people, half of those before the invasion, and there are hardly any children. The Davidovi family escaped three years ago to a town in the West, “but they offered us a horrible house and we had no money to pay a rent to go to a better place, so after a few months we decided to return,” says Liuba, mother of two 5 -year – His life revolves around his mother’s tablet, father’s phone and television television, in which only a part of the screen is seen because it was damaged in an attack that destroyed a neighboring building. One of the little ones was injured in one leg.
Girls are pure energy, jump on the couch, shout, sing and do not stop getting toys from a box. «It is exhausting, the teachers send me some activities, but it is me the one who carries the weight of everything, I am a mother and teacher at the same time of some girls who can barely leave home And they have no contact with other children of their age, I am overwhelmed to think about the big communication problem that this situation will generate, ”confesses a saturated mother.
During the day, the family does not come out of the apartment because the average temperature is -5 degrees, but at night it is when more attacks occur, the alarms sound, they run to the shelter and there they wait for the danger to pass. «For them it is like a game, Luckily they are small and they don’t realize what happens», Says Liuba, who dreams” with a quick agreement that stops war and allows us to recover our lives. “
No social contact
Donald Trump declared that the agreement for the end of the war “is a matter of week”, but here the minutes. “This experience has a direct impact on children because they grow locked up and spend the day stuck to the screens, they have serious problems to socialize,” laments Marina Bilenets, a municipal employee who has stayed alone because two months ago he sent his daughter and granddaughter to Poland. Marina explains that in the town they have remained above all older people, dependent on their pensions, and sick people who have problems moving.
The artillery rumbles in the background. Mikolaivka is the typical city raised in the Soviet era to house the workers of the huge electric plant, with blocks of identical buildings in each neighborhood and playgrounds between them. Swings and slides, now covered with spongy snow, have been orphaned.

Despite the complicated situation, at the Casa de los Gaponienko nobody thinks about emigrating. They bought their home months before the invasion and dedicated all the savings of their lives. From the La Vista lounge window, the skeleton of a building attacked twice, the last in August. Next to that window connects every day, at nine o’clock, Denis to follow the classes. He is seven years old and his favorite subject is mathematics. In the neighboring room, his 15 -year -old marine, also connects with his class and can see his 30 companions on the screen, mostly in western cities or outside the country. “What I miss most is daily contact with people, go to recess, talk to friends or make jokes, we have lost human heat,” laments the young woman in a fourth chaired by the weekly calendar of subjects.
Marina has a friend of school in Mikolaivka, that is her social life. In a drawer he keeps the photo that the whole class was made in 2021, it is all left of those days before an invasion that has frozen their lives and education.
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