Day after day, the bed is one of the areas of the home in which we spend the most time. Whether to sleep at night or to rest for a while before tackling another task, its continued use can lead to a large accumulation of germs, dirt and bacteria.
Proof of this are the yellowish stains that appear on all bedding after prolonged use, both on pillowcases and on sheets and bedspreads, especially when they are white. These appearances are mainly caused by the mixing of various waste products during sleep, such as sweat or body oils.
Once these defects have been spotted, it is advisable to wash all the bed pieces that contain them for various reasons, as it will allow you to maintain adequate home hygiene. Thus, cleaning bedding will not only help prolong its useful life, but will also prevent stains from sticking to surfaces permanently.
Although the easiest way to carry out this task is by placing the stained parts in the washing machine, there are other methods in which it is not necessary to resort to the appliance. Therefore, this is the trick to remove yellow stains from your pillow without putting it in the washing machine:
How often is it advisable to change the bedding
Before starting the trick to remove yellow stains, it is important to know how often it is advisable to change pillowcases and other bedding pieces to avoid these damages. Thus, although at first glance it may appear to be clean, it is advisable to change the bedding at least once a week.
This is because the covers – especially pillowcases, but all bed covers in general – tend to accumulate remains of dead skin, hair and mites, which combined with fluids such as sweat or saliva can affect the useful life of the bed. In the same way, it is also advisable to change the bed as soon as you recover from a viral process or any illness to avoid possible complications, especially if you sleep with a partner.

The trick to remove yellow stains from your pillow
Although the most effective way to remove yellowish stains is by putting the bedding in the washing machine, sometimes this task is not possible due to the materials or the instructions on the label of each product. Therefore, there is a trick to remove yellow stains from your pillow without resorting to the appliance.
To start with the homemade method, mix one part baking soda with one part white cleaning vinegar until it forms a consistent paste. After that, apply the concoction directly to the yellow stains on the pillows, covering them completely.
Next, let the mixture act for at least half an hour so that the active agents of the products penetrate the tissues and break down all the damage. Once time has passed, use a damp microfiber cloth to remove the paste from the pillows that are being cleaned. It is important to ensure that all residue has been removed to avoid unnecessary accumulation of products, which could damage fabrics.
Finally, dry the pillow in a properly ventilated place before using it again. There are several types of pillows and of various thicknesses, so it is important to check that the inside of the object is completely dry before removing it from the ventilated area.
Additional Tips for White Pillows
If the pillows with stains are white, there is another product with which you can easily sanitize them. Thus, purchase bleaching percarbonate in any specialized store or supermarket, in the cleaning section. This compound has active agents that will eliminate the yellowness of any white fabric.
Thus, whitening percarbonate is not only used for pillows, it can also be used to sanitize towels, kitchen cloths, cloth napkins, tablecloths and even slippers, as long as they are white. Its application is simple, since you only have to add a couple of tablespoons of the product along with the usual detergent. Even so, remember to check the manufacturer’s instructions before applying it.
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