Turn in the investigation to businessman Alberto González Amador. On January 10, the Prosecutor’s Office presented a document in which it supports that the case adds to the two alleged crimes of tax fraud and falsification of documents another of “corruption in business.” The Public Ministry sees evidence of the covert payment of a “commission” of half a million euros by González Amador to the wife of the president of Quirón Prevention, a company belonging to the private healthcare giant that receives hundreds of millions of public contracts from the Community of Madrid every year. The prosecutor includes the term “bribery” in his writing.
“The defense has not given any explanation as to why the investigated González Amador paid half a million euros to the wife of Fernando Camino Maculet, president of Quirón Prevention, for a company that had no value, as detailed in the Tax Agency report” , includes the writing, to which elDiario.es has had access.
The report includes another novelty regarding the position of the Prosecutor’s Office and that is the connivance that Quirón points out in the facts that should now be investigated. He reproaches, for example, that the defense of Ayuso’s boyfriend has tried to justify the commission of half a million euros with a “certificate from Emilio Conde, a senior official at Quirón Prevention.” The prosecutor recalls that “the popular accusation indicates [a Conde] as a participant in these operations, so it is evidently not credible exculpatory evidence.”
But the prosecutor goes further by pointing out the coexistence of the major winner of Madrid’s healthcare system with the partner of the president of the Community. “That Quirón Prevention is going to confirm everything that the investigated González Amador says is something that the tax inspection has already appreciated, as the inspector expressly observes in her report on page 61 of the proceedings. The company will have its reasons for this,” the prosecutor states.
In four words enclosed between two hyphens, the Prosecutor’s Office points out, for the first time since the case began, and even indirectly, possible political implications in the events. He does so by referring to González Amador with “it’s obvious who he is”, alluding to his status as the partner of the president of the Community of Madrid.
“Although it is clear that the patrimonial interest of the company Quirón Prevención has not been undermined by the collection by the wife of its president of what appears to be a commission of half a million euros, due to being the investigated González Amador – who is notorious who is – who pays it, the legal good that is affected is the socioeconomic order. This means that market prices are formed through the clean confluence of supply and demand, and not through the payment of bribes,” the tax document states.
The Prosecutor’s Office makes this statement after the judge in the case consulted it about the appeal presented by González Amador’s defense to the judge’s decision to open a separate case at the proposal of the popular accusations, carried out by PSOE and Más Madrid. The current prosecutor in the case rejects González Amador’s arguments: There are indications of the existence of the commission payment and this would constitute an additional crime of “corruption in business.” It also appreciates that the procedures carried out could lead to a toughening of the accusation for a tax crime by discovering an aggravated type of crime, as the judge already stated in her resolution.
The first consequence of this document from the Prosecutor’s Office is that the possibility of any agreement disappears, such as the one proposed by González Amador to avoid going to prison in exchange for recognizing the two tax crimes and the falsification of documents. The defense of the person under investigation was waiting for the Provincial Court to rule, and where appropriate to reject, the extension of the investigation that the popular accusations had proposed before resuming negotiations. Now the judges of the Provincial Court must also evaluate the position presented by the Prosecutor’s Office in favor of moving forward with that separate piece.
Some passages in the prosecutor’s brief are very forceful. The prosecutor’s report includes another novelty regarding the position of the Prosecutor’s Office and that is the connivance that Quirón points out in the facts that must now be investigated. He reproaches, for example, that the defense of Ayuso’s boyfriend has tried to justify the commission of half a million with a “certificate from Emilio Conde, a senior member of Quirón prevention.” The prosecutor recalls that “the popular accusation indicates [a Conde] as a participant in these operations, so it is evidently not credible exculpatory evidence.”
González Amador must “submit to the rule of law”
The prosecutor concludes his writing with a defense of the solidity of the investigation into Ayuso’s partner and its difference from other cases opened from newspaper clippings. “In our procedure, the notitia criminis, as is known, has not consisted of more or less verified journalistic information, but rather a contradictory administrative procedure carried out by the Tax Agency.”
“The evidence of crime – it continues – appreciated by the investigator is observed from the public and private documents provided in said procedure, and with respect to them the appellant investigated has not given any explanation, instead making considerations unrelated to the core of what is charged in the separate piece.”
The final message includes a message against the claim of impunity. “The appellant’s claim to freely archive the separate piece without even beginning the investigation should not be upheld, since the opposite decision would be very damaging to society’s confidence in the impartiality of justice and in the submission of all citizens equally. rule of law.”
#Prosecutors #Office #asks #investigate #bribery #Ayusos #partner #Quirón #manager