CIS Estimate – January 2025
CIS vote estimate (in % of the total valid vote)
The January Barometer of the Sociological Research Center (CIS) has once again placed the PSOE in the lead for the eighth consecutive month, with a vote estimate of 31.8%, four tenths less than in December, and an advantage of 2.1 points over the PP, which obtains 29.7% support. Vox repeats as the third political force, growing to 12.4%, while Sumar does not recover and remains at 6.5%, with Podemos at 3.9%.
The survey was carried out in the first days of January, when the news was marked by the cases of corruption that affect members of the PSOE, the inauguration of the program of events for the anniversary of the death of the dictator Francisco Franco and the preparations for the takeover of possession of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela, Europa Press reports.
The PSOE continues in first position although it falls slightly compared to December, when the CIS granted it 32.2% of support. The socialists remain, however, one tenth above the result they obtained in the 2023 general elections, when they obtained 31.7% of the votes.
On the other hand, the PP is still far from the 33.1% of the votes it obtained in the last elections, although it is recovering ground compared to the previous barometer, in which the CIS granted it 28.4% of the support. If general elections were held now, Vox would have, for its part, the same percentage of support as in the last appointment with the polls, while Sumar does not recover and drops by 6 points in a month. Podemos fell just two tenths, and went from 4.1% in December to 3.9% in January.
Regarding the evaluation of leaders, Pedro Sánchez is once again the one who obtains the best grade, 3.93 out of ten, and, therefore, far from passing. She is followed by Vice President Yolanda Díaz, with 3.89%, followed by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, with 3.53 and, by far, the worst rated is once again Santiago Abascal, with 2.79.
Housing repeats for the second consecutive month as Spain’s first problem according to the barometer, increasing six points compared to December and reaching 28.3% of mentions, a level similar to that recorded in 2008, when the so-called ‘real estate bubble’ was burst. ‘ to give way to an economic crisis.
Behind them, practically tied, are the economic crisis (22.1%) and political problems (22%), closely followed by immigration (21.1%), which shows an increase of 7 points compared to the barometer. of December.
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