The changing rhythms that we have been observing on social networks have not only influenced the way of creating content and communicating, but also the personal brand is transformed into a process of constant evolution. A long time ago a brand could be conceived as a fixed and well -defined identity, however, at present, staying static is equivalent to lagging. We have gone from working personal brands as content only of ‘Lifestyle’ to more professional personal brands that share their opinion as professionals, who entertain, create more fun content or educate their audiences, indicates Jessica Quero, Social Media Manager and consulting manager and consultant-formator In digital marketing and social networks. Adapt and experience niches, formats and platforms with an authentic voice is the new way to build a solid and lasting brand over time. Advantage or inconvenience? Well, as you look because today it is much easier and faster to position itself if it is understood how algorithms work, explains Judit Català, CEO in Biz’s Cool & Semillero Hub. «Any person with a powerful message and a well -defined strategy can reach thousands or even millions of people without the need for great resources. The key is to know how to play with the content and adapt to the dynamics of each platform to maximize the scope and interaction ». But to stay it is essential to change strategies in a very constant way, adds Sara Pellicer, expert communication consultant on positioning and brand authority, and this constant adjustment and experimentation with new trends also entails challenges. At the communicative and marketing level, tests of proof and error in which the strategies do not function as expected can translate into a waste of time and, therefore, of money. Related noticia standard not the traditional brands surrender to social networks More informal Laura Sánchez The connection with the young public via Tiktok or Instagram begins to be common currency, but the landing requires a well -defined plan and a clear global strategy The evolution does not stay there, Català continues. Not only social networks have helped personal brands to grow, but now personal brands are also driving trademarks. “Many companies are incorporating personal brand strategies into their marketing plan to humanize their image and generate greater confidence with their audience.” In this way, it is committed to make visible the founders, managers or even key employees in social networks, understanding that the human connection is one of the main conversion engines in the digital world. In addition, Pellicer points out, for personal brands these changes are even more challenging than for commercial brands, since, as they are unipersonal business, the adaptation falls completely on the creator and “this can generate a sense of uncertainty and greater disorientation because It implies entrepreneurs to be constantly evolving to remain relevant. Trend has been left behind to give way to ‘Storytelling’, explains Pellicer. A new approach seeks to attract the public through stories that generate emotional connection. It is no longer enough to capture the attention fleetingly; It is now essential to build a narrative that allows the audience to identify with the person or brand. On Instagram many contents are shared and we all compete against all for the attention of a user saturated with information and impacts, Quero points out. In this sense, attraction becomes a key element, even more than retention. That is, despite the decrease in scope and loss of attention, there are always ways to connect and generate viral videos. The key is to understand the correct methodology to create them. The video is leadersi there is a format that dominates the trends is undoubtedly the video. Its prominence is such that even Instagram has adapted its publications to a more vertical format, aligning with mobile consumption and the immediacy demanded by users. Although the algorithms have reduced organic scope, there are concrete strategies to capture attention and generate interaction such as applying ‘stop scroll’ techniques, get the person to stop in our content that is achieved with striking miniatures, impactful video beginnings, questions questions Intrigants or unexpected visual elements, says Català. On the other hand, Twitch faces a fall in its popularity, with many of its most faithful creators migrating to YouTube, where they find greater opportunities to diversify their content and monetize more stable. This also ratifies the last study of social networks 2025 of Metricool that ensures that YouTube is the leading platform in terms of visibility that maintains even as the accounts grow. As for LinkedIn, more and more users discover their potential not only For ‘networking’ but also to generate authority in your sector, share knowledge and position yourself as referents. “The turn towards a closer tone, without losing its professional essence, has allowed it to become a space where personal brands can highlight, either to attract job opportunities or strengthen their presence in the market,” says Quero.If we We set in networks as polarized as X, the experts consulted agree that it is not a platform for all, but for certain for niches linked to news, politics, economy and global trends, since it facilitates viralization and ‘engagement’ through ‘trending topics’. However, it is not the best option for all sectors, especially those that require a stronger construction of community and long -term authority. Without forgetting that, since their purchase by Elon Musk, many users have decided to migrate to other networks such as Threads or Bluesky or directly stop publishing content. that cause a reaction at the audience. People do not seek only entertainment, but content with which they can identify and provide value. Nor is it a matter of luck, nor favorable algorithms, but of applying concrete techniques to ensure that the content reaches the largest number of people. In this sense, Pellicer emphasizes that the key lies in “knowing the rules of the game and knowing how to use them in your favor.” So what points should the brands affect at this time? First, in extreme authenticity, understood as what really differentiates a brand and with it explore micro niches where specialization is what makes you unique. Second, and although it has been charging relevance for some time, there is communication based on values, allowing brands to connect with audiences that seek affinity beyond the product. The third, enhance interaction and especially experiential. To this is added omnichannel, which does not mean being on all platforms, but strategically choosing those that allow sustained and effective growth. And finally, the ‘Lifestyle’ content, which continues to be a key pillar because humanizes, shows who you are beyond your business, and allows your audience to identify with you. “And when someone trusts you as a person, he also trusts your knowledge and professionalism.”
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