A blogger named Emil, who, along with his comrades, launched fireworks from a car decorated with garlands in Moscow, said that the extreme race was organized only to create a New Year's mood for the people around him. He spoke about this on January 7 in a conversation with Izvestia.
“Yes, it was my idea – to make people feel New Year’s mood. They (the fireworks – Ed.) were attached to the car very tightly. These fireworks are sold on Avito and are freely available,” said the blogger.
Emil noted that before the start of the event, he and his comrades familiarized themselves with the safety rules. He emphasized that the race took place on an empty road.
“Plus, our car was driving in front of us, which was blocking traffic, and our car was driving behind us so that ordinary people would not pass by,” the blogger shared.
According to him, there were seven cars in total, all of them belonged to the organizer’s comrades and himself. Emil said that such an extreme drift was conceived to lift people's New Year's mood.
“Everyone is walking around looking kind of sad, we decided to entertain them like this,” he explained.
The blogger added that the race lasted at most two minutes, after which the police stopped them almost immediately, explained everything, and the guys stopped the event.
“The police stopped us. They explained that there was no need to set off fireworks from the car because it was unsafe. And so, basically, they didn’t say anything more. Fireworks are allowed in the public domain,” Emil recalled.
The day before it was reported that bloggers staged an extreme launch of fireworks from cars in South Butovo. Footage of the incident spread on social networks. Drivers of cars decorated with garlands started drifting on the road. As follows from the video, young people launch fireworks from vehicle windows and interfere with traffic on the highway.
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