From 290,000 euros to almost 2.3 million. The regional Executive of Carlos Mazón has modified one of the first emergency contracts for the cleaning of industrial estates after the catastrophic DANA on October 29, awarded by hand to a company in which the current chief of staff of the president and regional secretary of Communication, José Manuel Cuenca, worked for five years as head of Institutional Relations. This is STV Gestión SL, a firm domiciled in Murcia and with family connections with the PP, which has received numerous awards in the province of Alicante from institutions governed by the popular ones. The latest contract, awarded by the Mutxamel City Council, amounts to 26.6 million euros.
The Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation (Ivace) posted on December 26 on the Public Sector Contracting Platform the resolution that modifies the original contract. The resolution, signed by Minister Marian Cano on December 13, details that during the first month of execution of the contract it was detected that the workload “was much higher than initially budgeted.”
“Until it was possible to access all the roads in the affected polygons with heavy machinery, it was not possible to accurately know the cubic meters of mud, belongings and waste that the flood had deposited,” says the councilor, who replaced the past November 23 to the controversial previous head of the regional Industry portfolio, Nuria Montes.
Thus, the contractors’ reports, “supervised by the respective contract managers”, conclude the “need to modify” the initial award price. A report from the deputy management of Ivace recalls that the company GD Energy Services SAU, winner of lot one (corresponding to the municipality of Ribarroja), “will not be able to fulfill its service within an acceptable period.”
Carlos Mazón assured on December 29 that the cleaning and rehabilitation tasks in industrial areas after DANA were already “one hundred percent completed.” A statement that both mayors and businessmen from the affected areas flatly deny, as reported by
“Large amount of mud and waste”
The modification of the Ivace emergency contract entrusts the company STV Gestión SL, winner of lot two, the sector 13 industrial estate of Ribarroja. The firm in which Mazón’s current chief of staff worked will also take over the Alfafar industrial area due to its “contiguity” to the polygons that were awarded in the original emergency contract, the shared accesses “and because it is the area that presents great amount of sludge and waste that requires action.”
In addition, STV Gestión SL “is at a significant level of progress” in the cleaning tasks of its lot, so the deputy management of Ivace “recommends” that it be the company that takes over these new areas. The lot awarded to the company thus goes from 290,000 euros to almost 2.3 million. “The contractors have expressed their agreement to the modification contained in this report,” the document adds.
The resolution indicates the end date of the execution of the contract as December 31, 2024.
On the other hand, the modification also increases the amount of the award (initially from 290,000 euros for each contractor) to 2.4 million for Magma SERVICIOS SLU; to 900,440 euros for Pavasal, and to 897,629 euros for GD Energy Services SAU.
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