Diseases of the circulatory system are the first cause of natural death in Spain. Chest pain And the lack of air are well -known alert signs, but it is vital to be attentive to less known symptoms.
Dr. Bhavini Shah explains in a report published by the Daily Mail that there are other symptoms that we are suffering a heart attack and specifically a unusual one.
One of these particularly strange signs is a phenomenon known as the acropaquiawhich describes the thickening and widening of the nails of the fingers of the hands.
This happens because Oxygenated blood does not reach the fingerswhich triggers the overproduction of a substance that accelerates the growth of the nail tissue.
Other symptoms
Is also relatively unknown a gray ring surrounding the exterior of the iris, The colored part of the eye. About 45% of people over 40 have this fatty halo around the IRIS, a figure that increases up to approximately 70% in people over 60, as the investigations show.
Its presence has been related to coronary heart disease, since it can indicate that cholesterol levels (The fat substance that blocks blood vessels) are too high.
You also have to be aware of the swelling of the legs, medically known as edema. It occurs when Liquid accumulates in the tissueas a result of a heart too weak to pump blood effectively throughout the body, which leads to an accumulation in the veins and tissues of the legs and feet.
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