PSOE and Sumar, the parties that make up the coalition Government, Junts’ non-law proposal (PNL) will not be accepted for processing to request that Pedro Sánchez submit to a question of confidence in the Congress of Deputies. Government sources assure that this determination is “firm” because the initiative is “extemporaneous”. The Executive assures that this figure is not contemplated for what is proposed by Carles Puigdemont’s party, which has warned the PSOE this Tuesday that they will make decisions that “they will not like” if they oppose processing the initiative, as the PSOE will finally do in the Lower House Table that will be held this Thursday.
Although Moncloa had already announced that Pedro Sánchez does not contemplate submitting to a question of trust, Junts registered an initiative last December to achieve a political position on the matter. The Congress Board, with a majority from the PSOE and Sumar, postponed the decision to admit it for processing until now, although finally the Executive has decided to reject it despite the warnings of those of Carles Puigdemont, with whom They have to negotiate the General State Budgets (PGE) for this year.
The minister spokesperson, Pilar Alegría, assured this Tuesday that the initiative is not justified and asked Junts why they insist on it when the Executive complies with the commitments signed in the investiture agreement. “The question I would ask you is why? Because look, what I can tell you is that the Government of Spain complies with the commitments it has established with the rest of the parliamentary forces. What is in our power, we fulfill our commitments,” he said at the press conference after the Council of Ministers.
The minister spokesperson has thus pointed out the “substantive” defects of this initiative, but has also pointed out that it also has “formal” defects, since the issue of trust is a prerogative of the President of the Government while the parliamentary groups They have “other instruments and other tools”, he recalled. Precisely, Vox’s change of position this week by opening up to support a motion of censure against Sánchez despite the fact that its vote coincided with that of Carles Puigdemont’s group, led the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to urge Junts to support it if his group presented it in the Congress of Deputies, although without yet obtaining any response from Junts.
Moncloa sources insist that they see no reason to raise a question of trust. They attribute the Junts movement to the frustration of some things that perhaps did not go wellsuch as the application of the amnesty for Carles Puigdemont, a final decision that does not depend on the Executive. “It is not a figure contemplated for what Junts proposes. It’s a Martian“, say these same sources, who reiterate the question of the minister spokesperson: “For what and why are they registering it?”
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