Just as we can ask Chatgpt to summarize an OA Dall-e report that creates an image, generative artificial intelligence (AI) now has its eyes on industrial design. From different libraries of pieces or components, these platforms begin to be able to generate new ones. To do this, we must specify very well the parameters and objectives we want to find in that new element. We have already had the opportunity to see how it works from several examples and how it intends to revolutionize the processes used by engineers to give life to new products. It has been in the annual event of the French company Dassault Systèmes, held in Houston, where he has shown the advances he has introduced into his 3D Experiences and SolidWorks platform, focused on virtual twins.
“We use this expression of ‘virtual twins’ in front of that of ‘digital twins’, more common, to cover a broader concept. We understand that we must also take into account the context of that virtual model in which the Product to understand all interactions in many different situations, “he explains to the electoomista.es Gian Paolo Bassi, vice president of Dassault Systèmes.
The more than 350,000 users who use these simulation tools will be able to ask, as is, soon, that generates a certain element from another. These types of generative tools begin to be perfected, with the idea of saving time, accelerating manufacturing processes. Siemens, for example, also has simulation software based on automatic learning to optimize 3D models. For its part, NTopology has another system for topological optimization, simulation and generative design. Now, Dassault Systèmes adds these new functionalities to improve 3D design and virtual designs.
It must be remembered that, in its origin, Dassault Aviation manufactured – and continues to manufacture – military and commercial aircraft. To develop that activity, he was designing his own 3D modeling platform. Until one day he saw that he could also sell – or renting rather – these software to many other companies in any sector. And from there emerged the current Dassault Systèmes, which has currently surpassed in numbers and results to its matrix.
Drawings from sketches
“The generative AI will help us automatically create drawings from 3D models. Also the Aura assistant will significantly reduce the assembly time. It will also boost the assembly process because after a few explanatory questions, we will obtain The totally mounted model, “explains Manish Kumar, CEO of SolidWorks, Dassault Systémes division that deals with 3D modeling.
The assistant to which we give orders in this case is called aura. For example, a bicycle manufacturer asks that, from its library of structures and models already designed, it generates a new painting design according to different characteristics and parameters. As in the generative AI that we often use to create images or texts, the description of the request or ‘prompt’ will be key to obtaining a satisfactory result. From there, the designer can readjust what has been achieved or submit to different resistance tests. Thus you can see, before building even a first prototype, how that structure will behave when it has been manufactured in series. “It is a very intuitive system, which seeks precisely to improve the productivity of the factories, that the products take less time to reach the market, also allowing greater customization of those products …”, adds Kumar.
Clients of the platform have shown in this event how they are using 3D Experience and SolidWorks for their day to day. 3D printing is one of the fields in which the advantages of those modeled can be seen best. We see manufacturing a piece in carbon fiber and three other fibers of different characteristics that weighs 700 grams compared to the six kilograms that would weigh in aluminum, with the advantage that it costs just 35 euros and offers the same resistance as metal. Another customer has achieved with these same 3D modeling tools of solidworks manufacture a machine capable of solving Rubik’s cube …
The gene to prepare budgets
Dassault Systèmes has also announced in its annual event that will expand the use of generative AI to other processes such as budgeting or pricing … through solidworks CPQ, it is proposed to help companies configure products according to requirements of each client. With this they intend to go beyond design. The idea is to integrate into the traditional solutions of CPQ the latest innovations regarding virtual twins, virtual design partners, generative experiences and sensory computing.
These innovations will allow designers to check the selection of materials, the integrity of the structure, availability, cost and other product -related factors. SOLIDWORKS CPQ also includes the possibility of updating the descriptions of products as market trends, commercial offers and customer preferences are changing.
In this same event, the French company has announced the purchase of ContentServ, now pending approval by regulators. The latter allows consumer goods companies to prepare and optimize the content of the products to reduce marketing time, increase sales and create ad hoc consumption experiences. Dassault Systèmes will disburse 220 million euros to integrate those new content of content service to its platform.
Dassault Systèmes has also announced an alliance with Kuka, specialized in robotics and automation, to offer customers of this last signature the platform and 3D Experience applications. This seeks that companies that use these robots can also develop more efficient and adaptable solutions to their operations.
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