In Spain, numerous foods that could increase the risk of developing cancer are usually consumed. Moreover, various scientific and medical studiesincorporating All those executed by the World Health Organization (WHO), determine that there is food that can favor the appearance of cancer types such as The colorectal, the hepatic…
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Of this group, it is worth highlighting red meat, because it can raise the risk of intestinal cancer, even with moderate daily consumption. And it is something that reaffirms in a forceful investigations of the Cancer Cancer Epidemiology Unit Oxford Universitybased on half a million British participants between 40 and 69 years.
In the research led by Dr. Timothy J. Key’s team, people who consumed 76 grams of processed red (approximately one hamburger) daily had nothing more and nothing less than a 20% more risk to develop colorectal cancer with respect to those that reduced the amount to one third (A hamlet).
Now, what does red meat refer to? Well, to all the muscle mass of mammal animals such as pig, horse, veal, lamb and goat. As we know, it is called red because of its high amount in myoglobin (protein that gives the red color red), In addition to being rich in iron, fat and purines.
In our country, its consumption has increased 2.7%in recent years, until reaching 2,215 kg per year. In fact, its great per capita consumption is located in 32.4 kg per inhabitant per year. Surprisingly, the most consumed meats are chicken, veal and pig.
To take into account
Given this panorama, it should be noted that, in 2015, the International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC), he issued A report on the results of the meat carcinogenicity study and openly classified as a possible carcinogen (Group 2a) Red meat. And as a carcinogenic (Group 1) to processed meat.
“The strongest, although still limited evidence, of association with the consumption of red meat is for colorectal cancer. There is also evidence of Links with pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer“The report concluded. And it’s not for less.
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