The arrival of The new cybersecurity regulation, NIS2it will bring many changes within Spanish – and European companies. And it is that this directive promoted by the European Commission, of mandatory transposition in the Member States, It should already be implemented since last Octoberalthough in Spain it is still a draft law, so it still has the long process of going through the Congress of Deputies and validating its approval.
But what will imply the implementation of this law in the Spanish conglomerate? What is your reach? Well, in broad strokes, the arrival of the NIS2 to the national market will mean that the cybersecurity business can multiply by threebecause there are many companies that will have to establish measures to comply with the regulations, as counts to this newspaper David Fernández, CEO of Cipher, the cybersecurity solution of Prosegur.
And this new regulation establishes much clearer what the affected entities will be. The previous one only forced compliance with those critical infrastructure, such as energy, but It extends to many other sectors: telecommunications, water and waste management, health, scientific research, digital services, aerospace sector or agri -food, among others.
Precisely the latter is in which Fernández focuses, since in Spain it represents practically 10% of GDP and is one of the least prepared to act in the face of cyber attacks. The CEO of Cipher also stands out to the distribution sector as another of the keys of cybersecurity growth in the coming years.
This will cause, according to Fernández, A boom in the alliances involved in the cyber security segment. It implies, therefore, not only to technological solutions such as Cipher herself, but also to insurerswhich will have “an opportunity” for Extender Ciberriesgos. “Many companies will want to transfer the risk to this sector. In addition, insurers will have a framework, something that transmits security when it comes to surely when the insurance acts and when not, doing this healthier business,” , says Fernández.
That certainty will also allow entities to power make calculations of more adjusted premiums to reality of the company to ensure. The popularization of the prices of these insurance, however, will also depend inevitably on the measures that the company has taken in cybersecurity. “If there are protocols against cyber attacks, insurers will take it into account to reduce the premium,” concludes Fernández.
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