What a night that of that day. Leticia Sabater has become accustomed to living surrounded by notable events, but the day she lived in The Village Oscense de la Fueva was crazy. The rapid summary: it was chosen as the queen of the carnival, it took the car for the performance, was stopped by the Civil Guardthey removed their car for driving No points in the carda taxi driver rescued her when the bolus was in danger and finally there was apotheosis before 1,500 fans crazy. “Historical,” according to his own words.
The newspaper ‘El Heraldo de Aragón’ has reported the series of extraordinary events that Leticia Sabater lived in one of those days that seem routine and then end up becoming legendary. At the height of an entire Carnival Queen.
The day began with Leticia Sabater taking her barrels with final destination in the tent located in the Plaza de Tierrantona de la Fueva, beautiful town of Huesca. The expectation was maximum, with all A fans community adorning to see the singer of ‘El Pepinazo’. So she sat in her Mercedes, that she does not travel at anything, and set up towards the bolus.
Immobilized car
It was a more or less routine trip when The Civil Guard gave him the stop In a control. Leticia Sabater apartment on and did not see necessary to resort to the helpless “You do not know who you are talking to” when the agents asked for the papers. By showing the required documentation, they were able to verify that the artist circulated with A card without points due to a continued cluster of traffic infractions. Consequence: Fulminating immobilization of the vehicle and fine.
But as Leticia Sabater is a professional, there she took her mobile to inform the organization of the festival what had happened to her. Called the ACultural Sociation A Redolado d’A Fuebaorganizer of the people’s carnivals, and it took action on the matter.
Even the control sent to the Carnival Queen A taxi to carry it in a hurry -Ane this time respecting the speed limits- towards the town of Sobrarbe. As Leticia Sabater was already a little fair time, the organizers had to Play the beginning of the bolus 60 minutesfinally transferred to the taurine time of 5 in the afternoon.
Final apotheosis
Before, the artist hastened to explain to the organization that She knew anythinghow could it happen to her, which totally ignored the state in which her driver’s license was found, already without points to tell, and that the DGT had not sent her any notification about it. Pulling classics.
But it arrived. There were hoping 1,500 fans. Far from mitigating his desire to see Leticia Sabater singing her successes, the wait did nothing but multiply the anxiety to see it. The tent of the Plaza de Tierrantona de la Fueva was an absolute clamor and the artist conquered an audience already delivered from the very moment in which the women’s abdominals appeared on the scene.
The singer explained to ‘Heraldo de Aragón’ her feelings after a bolus that, in her opinion, “It was brutal». This was reported, “the tent was up and stayed small. It was historical. 1,500 people fit in a municipality of such a small population and people stayed out. In addition, this year, to pay the tent’s expenses, 10 euros had to be paid for the entrance. People have come from all peoples of the surroundings and even some of Barcelona. The atmosphere has been sensational. I am very happy.
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