Heavy rains this Friday in Galicia, central system and northern Cáceres
Aemet explains that this Friday the rains will be intense in Galicia and in nearby territorial areas, in the central system and, above all, in northern Cáceres and South of Avila, in Andalusia Western, Castellón and Catalonia. For their part, in the Mediterranean area the showers will not be as intense and persistent as in previous days except for Castellón and Catalonia, according to EP.
Jana arrives, the tenth impact storm of the season
The State Meteorology Agency (AEMET) has baptized Jana to the tenth storm of the impact of the season. The agency spokesman, Rubén del CampoHe explained that the weekend will be disappeared in almost the entire territory: rains distributed and intense by areas of the west peninsular, center area and the Pyrenees; intense wind gusts; And a descent snow level that tomorrow at noon will be around 900 to 1200 meters (m), with copious snowfall in mountain areas, according to Europa Press.
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