‘Travy’, a small theatrical miracle where Oriol Pla directs his entire family
Oriol Pla is one of the best actors to emerge in the last decade. Whoever doubts it has nothing more ...
Oriol Pla is one of the best actors to emerge in the last decade. Whoever doubts it has nothing more ...
The biologist, researcher and scientific communicator David Buenowho won this Monday the 57th Josep Pla Prize for prose in Catalanwith ...
On May 18, 1925, 'Coses vess' (Things Seen) was released, the seed of what would become the writer Josep Pla, ...
theater criticism In 'Gola', Pla sips, chews, swallows and regurgitates everything he has learned in gestural and scenic matters. A ...
To Catalonia, uns 280 infants guardianships between zero and six live in a residential centeraccording to data from the Government ...
It is coneix with a Baró Estardipen the first attemptphysical and cultural extermination of the gypsy population through a Royal ...
Civil Protection of the Generalitat of Catalonia has activated this divendres on alert Special emergency plan for flood risk in ...